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    I was recently at bullwinkles and I was appalled by the service I received. My friends and I are not your typical obnoxious and non-tipping college students,but we were ignored for 20+ minutes while waiting to be served. the bartender told me,"I look at you and I don't see money. I'm going to go where I'm making money." Fair enough, but the guy has no idea what any of his customers are tipping him. He was clearly upset from not getting  tipped. He was extremely rude and only paid attention to the frat guys to my right. He finally made a drink for me (after 25 minutes) I thanked him and gave him kind advice,"if you were a little nicer i think you would make more tips." Quickly back fired and I was called a very degrading name. I do NOT suggest this bar to anyone that wants to be treated with respect.

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    I have never had a bad time at Bull's. The best night to go is Friday (for the drink specials and the crowd). The best thing about this place is that there's something for everyone. It's unpretentious, casual and unintimidating, especially if you don't usually go out.

    The inside is a large dance floor, which gets really crowded and lively by 11 or 11:30. There are 3 bar areas inside, but usually a line. You then walk outside on a porch and go down stairs to the main outside part, where there is a live band on stage and more bars. This outside area is much more chill and you can dance if you want, or find a place to sit and talk with friends. Outside there is an upper porch/balcony with yet more bars and a huge screen where they're usually playing ESPN, plus lots of picnic tables and seating.

    You can wear jeans (even shorts) or club dresses, it really doesn't matter here. You're guaranteed to run into someone you know and the music is always pretty good (the band and the DJ inside). The only downside is that a lot of people are smoking and you leave the place smelling of cigarettes. (Luckily it's pretty well ventilated, so if you have sensitivity to smoke you won't be coughing--you just can smell the stench.)There is a cop at the door and they are very strict about enforcing their 21+ policy.

    Also, the later you're there, the increased likelihood someone will spill their drink on you, or knock your drink out of your hand. Do not wear nice shoes, as they will inevitably get something spilled on them by the end of the night!

    If you like coming here more than once a month, get a Thirsty Moose Card! They are a great deal if this becomes your weekly hangout.

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    It's an okay place. I like to sit up at the top bar, outside and watch the big screen but it's not always on. I'm not much for big crowds, so don't take my review too seriously and this place is crowded.

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    There is only on reason to come to Bullwinkle's. To get drunk, and even that can be hard to do when its packed. The owner is a really nice guy, one time I was there on a day it wasn't AYCD and the ATM wouldn't work so he got me a liquor pitcher for free. The problem is the bartenders are dickheads(if your a guy). If the bartenders didn't suck I would come here often but I cant stand any of them. Live music can be hit and miss, when its good its good when its bad its terrible. Recently my friends went and they were charged extra money to go upstairs, now that's just ridiculous the upstairs area is a bar in the middle of a deck. If you insist on coming here go when they open before it gets busy.

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    This dive bar is amazing!

    College students- my daughter spends $60 a semester and drinks for free (other than tipping) all semester.  Yeah, you think cheap watered down drinks, to my huge surprise no!

    When we first arrived we walked to an outside area where a band was playing.  My first impression was yikes this place sucks cause the band sure did.  Although I have a few friends that would have probably enjoyed this band.

    We got carded by a very nice bouncer, yeah if you are not of legal drinking age do not even trying getting in here.  The place is big with two outside areas, decks, patio's, and a huge bar inside with a DJ.  We were charged $10 each to drink top shelf all night.  Yes, you heard me, serious bonus points.  Well not happy to report this but the bartenders know my daughter quite well so they were very happy to meet us.

    The bartender made my daughter a drink and I was not going to actually have anything after four bottles of wine at dinner, but after watching him mix up five different liquors and juices I thought hmmm I must try.  Damn, was it ever good.  No clue what it was, nor did I care at that point.

    Our crowd got larger with all my daughters friends and another couple that joined us.  It was Halloween weekend so some of the customers were dressed up in costumes.  The drinks kept flowing, the DJ was amazing, playing some great tunes.  I could not get off the dance floor.  I danced and danced and drank and drank.  I even met the "angry birds" who were so sweet and fun.

    I guess I expected a dirty grungy bar but NO, it was the opposite.  The customers that hangout here are awesome, so much fun.  No one bothers anyone, everyone just has a great time.

    Jen R. had kept telling me how this was her favorite bar in her college years and finally I made it in to check it out.  Oh how I wish we had this is Miami.  Then again I would be there way to often.

    This is what you get in a college town that caters to poor college students! Pure awesomeness.

    Great music, excellent service, fun atmosphere, strong ass drinks, what more could you possibly ask for.

    I have at least two more trips scheduled and trust me I will be back for another fun filled night.

    No clue what time we left, thankfully we took a taxi that got us home safely.

    Forget the strip with the dive bars, come here you will not regret it.  Did I mention $10 all you can drink,  Feck yeah!

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    Cheap alcohol for a cheap place.

    I've been to Bullwinkle's numerous times for a large group outing and was never impressed. Sure, by the time you've downed your 10th Ladies' night drink (mostly juice) you do think it's a pretty awesome place and love the bartenders and the wall and the floor...

    The times we've been, the inside was blaring club hits and you were most likely to be groped by the many obnoxious frat boys. On the outside was a live cover band, that wasn't very good but had a good vibe. The line for the ladies only bar was ridiculous, the bartender was kind of a jerk and their was barely any alcohol in the drinks, so you have to keep going back for more. (And I like to tip, so that kind of screwed me)

    Just like any night club, this place invites the creepy daterapers, so be careful with your cups and don't let a stranger by you a drink unless you get it directly from the bartender.

    I think I've outgrown Bullwinkle's, so I hope the rest of you enjoy it!

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    Well, after two years of hearing all about this place, I was obviously excited to go. However, I played it off like I couldnt careless, you know play it cool.

    The first time I went was on a Friday.....$10 AYCD top shelf.....not bad I say. We came in through the back to the beer garden. Had a couple of drinks in the Oh So Chill atmosphere outside, made out way upstairs to the top deck to watch some basketball on the big screen, and have some more drinks. I have to say, it felt so relaxing sitting under the stars at this bar. With the sound of a live band downstairs, we decided to check out inside. Oh man I was in heaven. Perfect music for dancing and hanging out. I left in just the right state of mind.....

    Of course I had to go back a couple of times last semester. And then this semester I decided to uhh splurge and get a Bulls Card. I paid $55 for the semester and I dont have to pay cover at all. So basically I get to drink for free until the beginning of August....Oh dang, that is dangerous!

    Bulls is the perfect hangout to get away from the drunken college freshman and just go with friends, dance, sit outside and chill, and drink copius amounts of alcohol.

    Tip: they make such a good Long Island.

    It gets pretty crowded the later it is but oh how I love this bar. I only turned 21 3 months ago and a bartendar new my name....I dont know if I should feel special or not? haha

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    I hate Bulls. I don't care if its "lady's night", getting 1 shot in a HUGE styrafoam cup that's 99% soda is not a liquor pitcher and it won't get me drunk. NO thank youuu

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    Best drink specials. Cheap cover. Top 40 type music and old school hip hop inside and a live band outside playing pretty decent music. I've only been once but really want to go back. Parking kind of sucks but we live close by so we can walk. If you don't live close by I'd suggest a taxi/bus.

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    It's not terrible by any means. If you want to nail a drunk co-ed or find somebody to at least bounce on for the evening you'll probably be in luck.  Plenty of abortions and STDs have spawned from this place. It's your typical college bar, shitty DJ inside, even worse mid-90's cover band outside. Admittedly, it's not totally my "scene," but I can get drunk and dumb like anyone. Watch out for dudes in Ed Hardy shirts and girls who can't hold their liquor. Poor Paul's next door is way better!

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    really great, mixed crowd.  good drinks for good prices.  outdoor live band and good music.  


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    One of the best college bars in the country, as rated by Playboy Magazine awhile back and it hasn't changed since I first went there about 10 years ago.. Cheap but Strong drinks, hip-hop and booty-shakin music on the dance floor inside, always good live bands playing outside on the patio/deck. They now have a huge projection TV screen outside up high that you can see from the upper level of the patio. This place is always packed, ladies night Wednesday and Sat. They always have good drink specials such as $10 AUCD top shelf on Fridays. Ahhh, Bullwinkle's...

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    this was my home away from home in the early 2000s. i mean literally i was a "regular" there 3-4 nights a week...every week, without fail. it became my cheers, where everyone knew my name.
    some of my best college memories were made at this bar.
    the inside is a typical club with dj playing hip hop music and the outside deck was my fave place to hang out with great (and i mean great) live music!!
    the drink specials cannot be beat and im proud to say i was an original thirsty moose club member!!

    i recently went back to tallahassee for the first time in over 5 years and i was so happy to see so many familiar faces. many of the awesome bouncers and bartenders are still there. they added a really nice bar area to the upper roof deck and rearranged the inside layout, added a new outdoor bathroom, but overall the same awesome laid back FUN!!!

    oh to be 21 again!!

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    Best Bar in Tallahassee.

    Seriously, go here.

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    My favorite bar in Tallahassee from 2002-2005.  I haven't been back since, but I doubt it's changed.  A loud crowded dance floor on the inside and a cool outside area with another bar and an area for live bands.  I can't remember all the good times here, but they were many!

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    What a great bar. Bullwinkle's offers the best of both worlds. The inside of the club is a typically packed dance floor. That's pretty cool, but the massive deck out back is where it's at. It's two-tiered, and there's a stage for local bands to play on. I can't tell you how many nights I've spent on that deck. During the summer time it's perfect outside at night, and with most of the students gone for the summer, it's not too crowded. During the fall/spring semesters there are more people there, which can be fun, but it's really hard to get a drink. On the plus, the drink deals on the weekends are amazing ($10 AYCD, $5 for a triple).

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    Ok so, yes, I went to Florida State and I bleed garnet and gold so this review might be a little over-rated (think Notre Dame football).  But I've had some of the BEST times of my life at this bar!  And every year when I go back to see FSU play I make sure to get to Bullwinkle's for a few really cheap drinks.  

    My favorite Bullwinkle's memory was several years ago - I flew in for the game and my sister was still a student.  FSU was playing the University of Miami that weekend (HUGE game for those non-college football boys living in the North East) - my sister and I decided to go buy "Fuck Miami" t-shirts on a Friday.  Only problem is we could only find "Muck Fiami" t-shirts, which would just be gay to wear.  So we decide to make our own (disclaimer - we may have been drunk at the time).  Anyway my sister and I bought the BeeDazzler (yeah I know this story keeps getting worse!) and we started making the shirt before heading out to the Palace for the night.  Well I come back completely hammered and I can't finish the shirt - at that time I had the word "Fuck" and that was it.  The next morning I wake up and it's almost time to start drinking (it was 8 AM and the game started at noon) - I realized I didn't have time to write "Miami" so I wrote "UM."  Fast forward - FSU loses to Miami but I don't care dammit I am going to get some cheap drinks.  We go to Bullwinkle's and I'm still wearing my "Fuck UM" wife beater and war paint on my face.

    Me: [Walking around in a drunken stupor.]

    21 year old boy: "I'd like to introduce myself.  I'm UM."

    Me: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  That's the best pick-up line I've ever gotten, but I'm old."

    I miss college!  I'm moving back in a couple of years - will be a cougar in Tally!

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