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    There is a lot to like about this place. For starters, the menu is extensive, includes lots of seafood, chicken, and other healthier choices.

    The presentation is very well done.  The chef must have studied somewhere, because the little presentation details on the plate remind me of fine dining in larger cities.

    The food itself is very good.  Lots of interesting choices for ingredients.  My dish tonight included a chicken breast with apples, onions, and yams with a maple reduction.  Very good as you might imagine.

    Service was prompt, friendly, and continuous. This is a big reason why the place gets 4 stars from me.

    Will return for sure if I ever get back to town.

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    Decided to dine here while waiting for the festivities at the Oakmont Hometown Christmas event to begin tonight.  

    It has very nice ambiance, especially as it is decorated for the holidays with a wreath in the window and tasteful red bows distributed thoughout the place and the tables each have white linens on them.

    What is slightly disturbing is the age group all around me -- the over-50 crowd (note that includes myself).  I did notice 2 tables of younger people with children, but in each case they had grandparents in tow.  The problem with this scene is I don't want to be in a place that only attracts the older set; I want a place that is appealing to all age groups.  

    Regardless, the food was quite good.  I ordered the special recommended by my server, Marie, which was the pork wellington served with a pear and cranberry sauce.  Sounded wonderful and Marie was excited to recommend it.  It was good but the pear and cranberry concoction was barely noticeable.  I also ordered a salad with raspberry vinegarette which was good.  I ordered a glass of Reisling and it came in an ever-so-small glass.  Come on, people -- a grown up glass would have been much better.  And the Reisling wasn't the best I've had for house Reislings.  The price was pretty low so I'd recommend they up the ante and serve a better quality.

    Four stars because I really liked the ambiance and it's the first time I've ever had any wellington dish.  I'd come back.

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