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    We went to Chelsea's for drinks our first night in town; they had a great beer selection and live music. Plus it was just down the street from where we were staying! The next day we went back for lunch and had delicious garlic knots and pizza loaded with veggies! Just make sure you have cash! There is an atm downstairs, just in case. ;-)

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    I would give 5 stars to the restaurant and 2 stars to the bar. I've eaten the pizza here many times, and its by far the best pizza I've ever had. The crust in thin and flaky and crispy, the sauce is perfect, and they dont skimp on cheese and ingredients. I can't find the words to describe how good they are. everything is wonderfully balanced and cooked to perfection. I really like the margherita pizza and anything made with an olive oil base. The pizzas are giant! You will not go home hungry.

    The bar is another story. I've had good and bad experiences here. Often there is live music (both really good and really bad.) Most of the time it is so loud I can't talk to the person sitting next to me (I guess thats just a bar thing though, but its still annoying.) They dont take credit cards, so you have to use an atm. They don't have any wine glasses, and the bartender didn't know how to open a wine bottle. He didn't take off the foil and destroyed the cork so there were pieces of cork floating in the wine. Then they ran out of wine (I guess I'm the only wine drinking patron they have.) Its still worth coming depending on what kind of night it is. The atmosphere can vary wildly.

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    What in the world did Mr. C and I step into??? Everybody said this place was supposed to be good so we decided to go. However, it was anything but!

    1st: The doorman did not tell us that in order to eat pizza there was a different entrance even though we said we were there to have the world class pie everyone was gaga about. So, they charged us $10 just to walk through the bar area.

    2nd: The pizza was meh, way too cheesy. And they charged extra for tomato sauce. i think they purposefully don't put on enough sauce so that you buy it. I was not falling for those shenanigans.

    3rd: TURN DOWN THE SPEAKERS! There was a live band playing that night and it was horrendously loud. We were in the restaurant part and any time the door opened, our ear drums were shattered. I don't know how to explain the atrocity of the volume other than it was throw up worthy. How do the locals frequent this place without going deaf.

    So. Where does that leave me? Anything nice to say? I think the only cool thing about the establishment is that it is super cool in design. You can tell that this place has probably always been a bar. It resembles an old western saloon, where you see the ladies of the night hanging over the railings out on the upper levels. I may need to do a little research as I am pretty certain the place used to indeed be a saloon.

    When we first walked in, we were eyed up and down by the local who hung out in the front entryway bar area. These was hillbilly folk all the way! The inner "saloon" area was full of picnic style wooden tables. I kid you not when I say that people were slamming their beer mugs on them and making a raucous! If these people had not been in modern clothing, I seriously would have thought I'd stepped onto the set of an Old Western Film.

    However, the campiness of this place does not make it a worthwhile place to go to. Sorry Chelsea's. One, you are not a Cafe! Two,  you are a bar that has a pizza joint. Three, people like to be able to talk a little bit when at a bar, even those that have live bands.

    Food: Meh
    Service: Our server in the pizza place was nice, however, she did nothing to get us our $10 back that we wasted at the front door.
    Would I go back? Nope, and you shouldn't even try it!

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    The Pizza was Yuk...Greasy and very poor crumble so called Italian sausage.  The atmosphere is ok but needs more fans or a/c. There is no wait staff so if your upstairs it can be a hassle to go down stairs for drinks after the first round or two.  Happy they had smoking and even a non smoking room.

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    Finding a place to park is a challenge, found out later that the parking police stop watching the meters about 5 or 6 so don't worry about paying a meter.  We parked up the hill and walked down to this little hidden gem.  The night we went there they  had a 5$ head charge for the bands "Mountain Sprouts" a must go out of your way band to see these.   Walking to this mixing bowl of bikers, hippies, older folks, and everyone else there having a good time.  We were able to get a spot upstairs to watch the show I would good place to people watch.  Another good reason to go upstairs is the greatest pizza ever, After reading the reviews I keep reading best pizza,  greatest pizza,  well the jury has spoken and the judgment is for best pizza we ever had and prob ever will,  we ordered the Athens,  bend of olive oil and garlic, topped with spin black and green olives, red onion, and fresh tomato, with feta on top.

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    So I came here after a wedding to attend an "after party" shall we say. And I do not regret it. I did feel a little weird walking in because it was a locals only kind of spot but we got quick service and the drinks were stiff. We found a table on a Friday night large enough for our big party and proceeded to DEVOUR their pizza and drink their $2 Miller High Life.

    The pizza was the most delicious thing I have ever had. And I FUCKING LOVE pizza. The crust was a perfect combination of crispy on the bottom of the topping and cheese part and tender and fluffy in the outside crust.  For under $20 you got a huge pepperoni pizza. This is the kind of pizza that tastes great cold and in the morning after drinking the Champagne of Beers all night. I wish I could get this pizza shipped to me. Sigh. I miss it already.

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    This place is about as funky as it gets, and walking through all the cigarette smoke to get inside really sucked, and the guy who looked like he was crashing there full time was pretty sketchy...  but this ranks as one of the two best pizza joints I've ever been to. Fantastic pie, creative toppings, reasonable prices. Never had a bad meal there.

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    after a couple of drinks at a neighboring restaurant, we followed my husband's keen nose in the direction of pizza, down a questionable stairway between even more questionable buildings, and suddenly we were in chelsea's. it was in the middle of the afternoon on a saturday, a band was playing, folks were dancing, and we knew we had found our spot for the rest of the afternoon.
    we ordered pizza and beer, and while we were finished with our first beers by the time the pizza arrived, holy moly was it worth the wait. when it comes to pizza in our house, nobody messes around. and this pizza? this was serious pizza. i think i actually said it was the best pizza i've ever had in my life.
    the crust was thinnish, bubbly at the edges, slightly sweet, perfectly floured, and was crispy at the tip of what was a very generous slice. that's right, no sagging, no sliding, just absolute perfection. hot bubbly cheese, not too little, not too much, oh.me.gawd. can we import this to kansas city?!?
    i will never drive into arkansas again without making a stop at chelsea's.

    ps- one bummer: smoking is allowed here, which is kind of weird after being in a city where it's banned in bars, but it's a small complaint for an otherwise great place

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    This place looks like a dive, and the first time I opened the door I didn't stay, but that was a mistake.   The pizza and salads are excellent and very reasonable priced.   Where can you find a quality salad for  five buck?   Here you can.   But they only take cash, but I have to say it certainly is worth a trip to the bank to eat there.

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    My friends took me Chelsea's during the Blues Festival and the place was rocking! We went there for lunch the first time..I had the most excellent Greek Gyro ($7) with lamb, beef, feta, onion, tomatos and a fantastic tzatziki sauce. But Chelsea's is well-known for their pizzas. They were Best Pizza in Arkansas runner-up last year. Didn't have a chance to try any but my friends always say it's the best and they live there!
    The music is great, lots of local talent come through..the dance floor is interesting as the original owner, a musician himself, is buried underneath. So one does actually 'dance on his grave' when they get out there!
    Chelsea's used to be a carriage house for the hotel's horses/carriages and one can imagine it as such. The little eating room upstairs was the livery people's living quarters.
    A cool place to hang out and meet the locals. Staff is fabulous and efficient..they treated me like I lived there! And I was told by one very sweet woman that she would be glad if I moved there..hmm..

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    I've decided that if Yelp truly reflects the tastes of it's members, there's no reason not to include ALL the great places you've frequented.  Since I travel a lot for work, here I go.

    When I found myself in Eureka Springs, Arkansas for 2 and a half months last year, I wondered how I was going to entertain myself.  It's a picturesque little mountain hippie and biker enclave, with a sprinkling of Jesus freaks and rednecks to amp the freak factor.  Well, on my second night in town, I found myself winding halfway down a side street with probably an 80% grade, and found my home away from home: Chelsea's.

    Chelsea's is split up into a tiny bar area where you can watch TV, hit on the bartenders (some of them like it), play darts, and generally relax.  There's a second much larger room with a balcony and a raised stage area where they have some of the best live music in town with an eclectic range of bands.   This area has long common tables and benches, and a game area in a corner.  This is also where, while sitting and watching a band, some drunk girl upstairs decided to pelt me and my pals with ice cubes and beer.  So I'd say that strategically, don't sit directly under the balcony if possible.

    The other odd part of Chelsea's is the terrace.  It was on this terrace on perhaps night 3, that I watched a fire on an adjacent mountain ridge burn an old hotel and neighboring trees in huge leaping flames  against a sunset sky.  One of the most terrifying, beautiful, and bizarre experiences I've ever had.  And I had a beer in my hand at the time.

    Try the okra, too.  It's like crack.

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