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    I am giving Chester's 4 out of 5 stars based on the atmosphere alone.  It is rather neat and like stepping back some 70-80 years in time.  You could envision someone like Huey Long eating there or making a campaign stop there (or any Depression-era politician).  That alone makes it worth visiting, as the place has a time stamp on it.

    I wish I could say the same about the food--it is all a la carte, and there are just a few items with chicken and frog legs being the most common.  Don't try getting just white meat or dark meat--they give you the whole chicken.  The food was also extremely greasy such that they should almost sell, for dessert, some Tums and/or Pepto Bismol.  Of course, if you like greasy fried food (specifically chicken and/or frog legs), then give it a shot.  Actually, the food is not too bad, but there are only a few items, all fried with plenty of grease, and not much leeway on what you can get.

    I give it 5 for atmosphere and 3 for food--this place has one of the most unique atmospheres of anywhere I have visited, and it is something that can (and should) attract people from miles around.

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    Everyone in Donnar, Louisiana is fat. This seems to be mostly the work of Chester's on Hwy 20 between Houma and Morgan City. They're known for their fried chicken, which comes in halves. They basically rip a chicken apart and fry the pieces, but the pieces aren't all exactly the same - my mom's leg had a piece of thigh attached, my thigh was in two pieces, etc.

    It's damn yummy. Very well fried and not greasy. Seasoned very well. The onion rings we shared was a tad bit on the greasy side but still very good.

    Don't come looking for a fancy night out, but do come looking for really good food. Dieters beware.

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