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    I realize that reviewing an "adult establishment" will automatically earn me the stereotype of a pervert, but alas, when a straight person of the male persuasion remains single for long enough, one begins to forget what the fairer sex looks like under their clothing.  

    First off, let me say.... Guys, The female form is a true work of art.  While you're out having fun, please be respectful, and tip well!  These ladies deal with many jerks and scummy individuals just to make a living.  Don't be one of them.  :)  Now that I have that off my chest, on to the review....

    I was at ChooChoo's many years ago to celebrate my move into the DC area.  Therefore, it holds a bit of a nostalgic place in my heart.  My voyage down to Waldorf tonight did not disappoint either.  How can anyone find an evening unenjoyable when they're surrounded by beautiful, scantily-clad (and un-clad) women?  It invigorates you, and helps make life worth living.  I found the place to be just as it was years ago.  Fairly laid back, a bit cheezy, but overall friendly and welcoming.  There was little "pressure" for private dances, which is sometimes the most aggrivating part of a trip.  The dancers have a range of qualities, and there is someone there that can appeal to pretty much anyone.  Ms Marijane was far and away the most friendly, personable entertainer I've ever met.

    I personally have no problem with a facility that doesn't serve alcohol, but that might give a few people some pause.  At least it helps keep drunk drivers off the street, and cuts down on a bit of the belligerence from the fellow patrons.  Also, the DJ is a bit annoying.  Sort of like a wanna-be morning-drive radio DJ.  That said, I have no major complaints.

    Certainly worth the short drive out of the city.  :)

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