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    The Chop Shop the new bar and grill here in Simi Valley. I went today . What an amazing place. I had such a great time the atmosphere was so enjoyable. The food was incredible.  I got to taste everything that everybody else ordered and it was so good I didn't find one thing that wasn't delicious. I hope that you guys will join in on the fun and great food.
    I also got to see the alcohol selection very impressive. I've heard the drinks are amazing. I know they're going to have their grand opening soon but I have to tell you don't wait. Go tonight ...tomorrow... tomorrow night . Whatever you do just go soon,  It's a special place .
    Whether it's lunch. dinner, drinks or night Entertainment ., it really is the new hot spot . I'm  happy Simi  Valley has a place that I can go to and feel comfortable have a great time enjoy food and have a drink if I choose. I understand that there is something going on every night.
    Whether it's a live band a DJ karaoke trivia it's always fun.
    I will definitely be going back often. Hope to see you there.

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    Maybe try it again once they get the service and noise dialed in.  Too loud, wrong food delivered, had to ask for place settings....Like I said maybe try it again after all the kinks are worked out.

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    Great AC and a jukebox that has a 1000 songs to choose from and you will spend more than $1 on with all the options.  Our serve was a very kind lady and we ordered the mac and cheese balls which were pretty good.  I had the chile which was not bad (the corn bread could have been a bit bigger) and my husband had a chicken burger and we thought that was really good.  We will go back since it is nice having a restaurant within walking distance.

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    I've been in the place about 4 times and I think it will survive. The Blue Cheese Burger and Pulled Pork Sandwich are both pretty good, the fries decent but a rather small portion. The beer, selection is good, served cold and priced about the same as most area bars. A poster claims they spent $40 on 2 beers and 2 sandwiches, we spent $30. During Happy Hour a beer and sandwich are about $13.50. The crowd is mostly guys between 25 and 40, working stiffs, the type people here like to insult by calling them rednecks. Shocking news! Posh people don't hang out in bars! We've  had good service on every visit and only have one complaint about the place, but it's a big one, the noise! The acoustics are really terrible.

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    I have been working in bars for over ten years now.  I am very generous when it comes to forgiving bad service.  But this is by far the worst service I have ever had...anywhere!  The waiter was nice but it took an exceptionally long time to get food/drinks and the bar was not very busy as far as bar standards go.  There was a group of 5 people and all we ordered were salads and sandwiches.  It took about 45 minutes for food.  We saw our server once during that time, he told us 22oz beers were $3.00. So we ordered another round.  When the check came,(30 min after we asked for it) all the beers were $5.50.  I wouldn't have minded if I wasn't told they were $3.00.  It took almost another half hour to fix the bill (during which time no one came by the table to let us know what was going on, so we were left sitting waiting.) When the bill came back it was only half fixed, but I didn't feel like waiting to have it fixed again since half the party already left.  
    To top it off the food was just OK...  Mac and cheese balls lacked any cheese, spinach dip was so sour that we couldn't eat it. And we ordered 3 different salads, 2 with meat and were disappointed to find hardly any meat through the salad. The tri-tip sandwich was not horrible but pretty bland.  
    I should have listened to the half a dozen people who told me not to go there.  But I thought I'd give it a chance...  Bad idea!

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    Disappointed with their food.  Very expensive for what you get.  Tonight I had a ceaser salad with chicken (which is in 2.50 in addition to the already overpriced regular ceasar (7.50)  when I got my salad there was no chicken on it.  Sent it back for the chicken and when the waitress brought it back there were maybe 5 or 6 really small chicken pieces on it.  Not even slices, just  itty nits of  chicken..  When I mentioned it at the end of the meal the waitress confirmed that SHE thought there should be more chicken on it and told me that she questioed the cook about it.  Well she tried to do the right thing by taking  the charge for the chicken off the bill and went to the manager to ask.  She came back to the table and told me the manager was on the phone and couldnt get off to take the charge off the bill and would I like a comped dessert.  I said no (what if I am diabetic) she then said there was nothing she could do and she would have to charge me for the chicken on my salad.  The manager was off fhe phone  when she was ringing up my bill.  Not a good start.  IMO this is an over glorified bar with mediocre food at best.  Their management needs to pay more attention to their PAYING customers and less time on the phone.

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    We decided to try the new place today.  First, the service was great.  No complaints about that.  The decor is nothing spectacular but I didn't really expect it to be.  We ordered the onion rings & fried pickles.  They were both good but they didn't give you very many & the pickles weren't crisp & they were greasy.  The spicy Bloody Mary was delicious but definitely spicy!  The pulled pork sandwich was good but a pretty sweet bbq sauce if you like it that way.  Blue cheese burger & the skate lab burger were good as were the fries.  It is definitely on the pricey side.  Overall it was ok.

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    This place is a DIVE!!! Before you continue reading, please understand my review is based solely on the first five minutes we spent in there before walking out, not on the food as we did not order.
    That being said, what a joke. We figured we would try someplace new in Simi, which has a propensity for new restaurants not surviving unless it's another Taco Bell, Jack in The Box or McDonald's. This place I fear will not make it. TOTAL white trash atmosphere. The second we walked in the door the noise was horrible! The acoustics in this place are the worst I have EVER experienced. Every sound echoes due to nothing to absorb the sound of drunks talking over each other, T.V.s and music blaring. They really need to separate the bar from the restaurant for those who just want to eat without listening to a bunch of drunk bikers partying.
    Nothing on the menu looked appetizing and the beer selection sucked. We couldn't even hear each other talk so we walked out. If you're looking for a white trash, biker hangout like Chuy's, then this is your place. Sorry, but epic fail!! Another reason we have to leave Simi to find decent food.

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    Awesome place! Grilled cheese sandwich with the tomato bisque was <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbomb.com&s=bb4f996415a9c2f21137e27cfb68f439a48cec2652b53e9b50dd7e766dbe177e" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://bomb.com</a>. Great service and the manager, Derrick is super cool!

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    This place is cool on a hot day in more ways than one. Straight off walking in out of the hot Simi sun into the chill fresh air conditioning kicks ass, and the place has a automotive theme of chopped motorcycles and cars - something I love as I used to have a Cafe Racer I was building out of a 1974 Honda CB 750 (a really dope motorcycle that looks like a 1950s racing bike) and now I'm building a 1968 mustang hot rod with my brother.

    I sat at the bar and was waited on by a very cool young woman in glasses (very hot!) and ordered the House Salad with chicken. It came out really fast, was really huge on one of those big oval plates, and I dove right in. The staff all came by and talked to me and said hi, and the owner Trevor personally came by and welcomed me, he was making his rounds and talking to patrons.

    Bottom line:

    The place is cool, lots of tables and a bar the length of the building.
    The staff is great, super friendly and attentive.
    Looks like 8 beers on tap and a full bar, and the one thing I ate here so far was more than good.
    Decor is cool, grey interior with exposed brick, and is much bigger than it looks from outside. Windows all around that are tinted like a chopped car, keeping the sun out but it is not dark inside, it is bright and airy.

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    A Co-worker told me of this place opening a few days ago, and I decided to check it out.  So I came here for lunch today. Lunch buddy was going into the meal dreading it, thinking it would be similar to our last bar-for-lunch experience   I had an open and optimistic mind, as is my nature.  Since it's right down the street from work, it's in a very convenient location for me to eat lunch at.  We were there in just a few minutes, and surprisingly, for a place that's been open a few days, the parking lot was actually fairly busy.  
        The door handles were refurbished gas pumps. Pretty cool! Very thematic of 'the Chop Shop' image they were going for. We walked in, and opened the doors.  That brief fraction of a moment where your brain asks you; 'Will it suck?" or " Will it be great?' passed excitedly and we both smiled as the interior revealed itself.
        It was a clean place, it was well lit, there was a juke-box playing hits from the 80's, and there was a hostess sitting in a high bar chair at a podium looking excited to see us. We asked for a table, and she looked around for an empty one.  It was actually quite busy, but there were several empty tables, one of which we were ushed too.
        Menus were brought to us, and a waitress stopped by for drink requests shortly thereafter. A pair of iced teas later, we had figured out what we wanted. The various items on the menu were based upon repair of a car. "Bodywork" for  the salads and healthy items; "fluids" the beverages, and "oil change" for something else. After some debating, I went with the Blue Cheese burger with a side of Onion rings, and my buddy chose the  Butch's Burger, with a chicken patty and side of fruit. Waitress took our order and zoomed off to hand it in.
         A few minutes later, our burgers came out. I was worried as mine had no visible sides. My buddy's meanwhile had a mound of french fries.  She assuaged my doubts and told me my onion rings were being made and would be coming right out. She zoomed off for something, and came back a moment later with my buddy's side of fruit. Whoops #1!
        We began to eat our burgers, and the larger burger with bleu cheese crumbles on mine was great. My buddy discovered that his burger wasn't chicken, but regular. Whoops #2!  He was still okay with it though. I had nearly finished the burger when my side of onion rings came out. No worries, I would have eaten them that way anyways. Now my meal had courses. It was fancy!
        The onion rings were very good. Whoever mentioned that in an earlier review was dead on. The onion rings struck me of more of a tempura style rather than your standard 'onion ring' style.  Only once in the whole order of rings did I pull the onion out of the ring batter on the first bite. Well built, and quite tasty.  Very greasy though, I had to napkin dry, and then wash my hands afterwords.
        Six televisions adorned the walls. There were evenly spaced around the place. Not too many, but enough so that everybody at every seat could watch something. Occasionally you get those places with thirty million televisions all over the walls, in the booths, in the bathrooms....pretty much wallpapering the place with moving pictures. This place was far more mellow than that. I watched racing on one television, and my buddy watched some other sporting event on another.  
        My buddy obviously didn't mind the error in his sides, as he finished both the fruit as well as the mound of french fries. I presume they were good, as I didn't hear any complaints.  He said that his mind had completely flipped (positively) from his initial ideas of the place.  As we got the bill I noticed that we hadn't been charged for either the extra fruit, or the upgrade to onion rings. As I re-examine the receipt, we weren't even charged for our drinks either! I guess they also caught, and reciprocated for their goof-ups.  Total was $26 after tax & tip.
          Excellent place. Excellent Service. Great job Georgina, we'll definitely be back here again in the future.

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    Expensive Menu. After 3 visits the food officially sux and is over-priced.
    This place ain't gonna make it.

    $3 Happy Hour 20 oz beers. Full, well stocked bar.

    OK Tri Tip sandwich. Just ok but Chuy's is much better for less.
    Lousy chili. Actually a tasteless joke everyone kids themselves is good.
    Salads boring and pricey.

    French Frys have been fixed but nothing special.
    2 burgers + 2 beers = $40. That's too expensive for lunch. Should have been $22.

    Needs flooring and something else to deaden the sound a bit. The place is way too loud and echoes. Cold atmosphere, clunky environment.

    Open for lunch at 11,, usually open until 2 AM if customers are present.
    We won't go back.

    Should be out of business, folded by this time next year.

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    I took my son there for dinner. The burgers were pretty good but I've had better. It was extremely loud in there as there is no separation between the bar and the dining area. It is all together. The service was slow. The bar was packed with drunk, rowdy hockey fans. We could not hear each other to talk. I couldn't wait to leave. It's the kind of place you would go to have a beer and a burger but not for a family dinner. I won't be returning.

    June 29th- I gave the Chop Shop a second chance since it was new when I went. The food is very good. The service was much improved and quicker when it came to ordering and the food arriving. It did take a long time to get the check. I don't like it when a server thinks their job is done once they serve the food. The noise level was acceptable but still hard to talk over. I just wish they would get thousand Island dressing for the burgers. I will be back.

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    Delicious food, the cocktails were amazing, the service was fantastic, and the place got an extreme makeover!! One of the nicest bars in Simi Valley!! I will definitely be going back!!

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    I'm giving Chop Shop a five star rating.  I saw a FB post indicating they were open (soft opening, 1st day). The food was good and a lot of effort went into remodeling the former Stray Steer Restaurant into a bar & grill.
     The Chop Shop will need to find the right segment.  Last night's crowd looked like a demographic you'd find in Cronie's or Toppers (30-50s married, some kids).  The food was presented as a burgers (beef, chicken, turkey, salmon) version of Larsen's.  
     Cronie's and Toppers are beer and wine only.  Chop Shop is a full bar featuring many top shelf pours. The bar presents itself as a super clean, modernized version of The Tree House.  There is a stage area for a band too.  The establishment looks like it can hold over 200 people.
     The success of Chop Shop will be based on the ability to book good entertainment. If done correctly, they will be able to fill the bar and attract a blended crowd that enjoys the modern and clean ambiance at Chop Shop.
     I have three suggestions for Chop Shop.  I'd like to see some easier items on the menu: wings, pizza, and nachos. Second, investigate some simple ways to reduce chatter noise. Plan to expand the bathrooms if you are going to have bands and pack the place with 150+ people.
    Congratulations and best success!  I will be back.  I will suggest Chop Shop.

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