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    Only had breakfast numerous times, I love this place, I don't care about the plastic plates or anything as long as the food is good, and it is. It's not high class, take it for what it is, good food, family run. When I am on that side of town for breakfast, I eat there.

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    One of the more disappointing places at which I've eaten. It's in a good location and has a great theme, but apparently more money went into marketing and décor than the actual food. Unfortunately, you might have better quality meals at McDonald's or Burger King. The fries are okay at best, while the chicken sandwich tasted like it could have been a frozen Banquet chicken patty, and, much to my wife's dismay, the burger was comparable to a school lunch burger. She was only able to eat half of it.

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    A step above fast-food is right.  I thought it would be a little nicer going in, so it was a disappointment to have plastic plates and cups.  Ceramic would have made the coffee taste much better.  But, that said, the food was good and the people were very freindly.  I would go back, just with slightly lower expectations.

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    They have a good location as the only restaurant at the intersection of 33 and 276, but the food is just a little better than fast food. The gravy and biscuits were average quality and left me in search of real food. Bacon was thin and crispy, and eggs were not scrambled very well. Given that the food isn't the best for you, I expect it to at least taste good.

    I will say that having chocolate milk available in cartons was a lifesaver and the highlight of the morning.

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