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    Great restaurant with excellent food and service.  Daniel's has become such a favorite for us that it is nearly a weekly staple for us.  The Black Angus Burger is incredible.  I've never had a burger that had so much flavor that I could eat it without condiments, but the Daniel's black angus burger is about as perfect as it gets.

    Nothing ever disappoints at Daniels, even their own dinner rolls are fantastic.

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    Tried Daniel's last night and like it. Pleasant space... a bit noisy perhaps but only because folks really seemed to be enjoying their dinner conversations. Prices are quite reasonable relative to quality. I had broccoli cheddar soup, which was excellent. Unlike the overly thick and pasty version served most places, this was more like a thin bisque with small chunks of broccoli and just a hint of cheddar. I had the 8 oz sirloin on ciabatta bread with blue cheese Merlot demi-glace and rice on the side. It was exactly medium-rare as ordered and topped with thin rings of fried onions. I prefer the texture of a similar sirloin cut which is offered at the Scotch and Sirloin to what I was served at Daniel's,  but it was a decent piece of meat with good flavor. T

    he sauteed fresh veggies served with it were fantastic and the rice was nicely seasoned without being salty. My buddy had seared salmon baked with a walnut crust and some sort of cream sauce. It was fantastic - perfectly cooked and offered a perfect balance of flavor and texture contrast. Service was friendly and efficient... dining area and bathrooms were spotlessly clean. Total bill with tax was $40 and change for the two entrees, sides and one bowl of soup. Recommended and I think reservations are a good idea - it was pretty darn busy for a Tuesday evening.

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    My daughter and I went there recently.  This place has a solid menu and good service but we witnessed an unprofessional conversation while eating there.  The owners were berating our waitress about some matter that did not pertain to her performance at the time.  It was uncomfortable to say the least...

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