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    First visit:  Busy busy place!  Food was very good...large portion, decent price (everything on the menu is around $9.99!).  Service excellent, food came out quickly. Only thing I didn't like is you could only get certain menu items after 4:30 pm...like mashed potatoes(?).

    Second visit:  Had the best burger EVER!

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    The wary Yelper will take this review with a grain of salt.

    (And a plate of Tully's Tenders.)

    There are those who say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and while this is a questionable adage where overwhelming college roommates, ornery old family pets, and clingy younger cousins are concerned, it is all too apt when it comes to me and my relationship with Tully's. A regular of the Fairmount location for what we'll guesstimate is close to my entire life, Tully's Tenders and I have kindled a passionate love affair - we are Kel and orange soda, we are Napoleon Dynamite and tater tots, we are Harriet the Spy and tomato and mayonnaise sandwiches.

    Much as with any instance of blind adoration, I do not care how bad they are for me, I do not care what others say about them, I do not care that finishing an entire platter of them in one sitting might make my heart explode. I would cancel a date with my best friend to hang out with Tully's Tenders. I have written sonnets to them. Last Christmas I made a fuss about freezing them and packing them in my suitcase (with the argument that it's cold enough in the hold of a plane to preserve them for the twelve-hour journey to California) just so I could have leftovers three thousand miles away. There are few things I love more on the West Coast than the food, and yet even when surrounded by platters of authentic Thai and decadent artisan pizza, I miss this particular incarnation of chicken more than I can say.

    Being deprived also of a decent sports-bar in the Bay Area, Tully's, with it's probable fifty television sets and sports décor (most of it paying homage to local little league, high school, college, and professional teams), is like a temple of athleticism, a shrine to competition. On the whole the staff is friendly, the service is quick, and the popcorn is free. And if you don't like the Tully's Tenders, you are either lying, heartless, or having a bad day, and I will hear no more of your poppycock.

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    Tully's is one of the best places in Syracuse. There's great service, good food, and fun, laid-back atmosphere. I love the ama's popcorn and drink specials. Even when I don't want alcohol, there is a great pomegranate lemonade. For as long as I can remember, I've only had 1 of 2 entrees: buffalo chicken sandwich or the buffalo chicken salad... both are awesome! I'm sure they're not good for me, but it's totally worth it.

    Definitely a keeper!

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