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    Thanks Dockside, for hosting a great event, the Fundraiser To Support The Recovery Fund For Heather Abbott.  Over 1500 people, 3 bands, cars parking everywhere, and yes it was a bit crowded, but handled well.  It was a great spot, and I couldn't imagine it going any better anywhere else.

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    I LOVE coming here because everyone is so young and ready to party and it reminds me of going back to university where people are more free-spirited (instead of hanging out with people my age who would prefer to push around baby strollers and shop for wedding gowns rather than push down some drinks).  

    The owners of the establishment are the same ones who own the West Deck [see my previous review of that one], and they wisely decided this year to open the bar up to everyone without cover charges every Friday night.  When I first started coming here in 2009, they used to charge an outrageous cover of $20 on Friday and Saturday nights, but this has since been eliminated.  It was a good call, and I'm sure they lost business because most other bars in town charge a $5 cover, if any at all (many do not).  

    They have some good cover bands there.  I'll never forget the first time last summer I saw an all-male band do a cover of "S&M" by Rhianna.  I thought it was quite good and it gave a kinky song an extra kinky twist.

    They also renovated and expanded the washrooms recently, so there is no more 30-minute wait.

    The drink prices are a little on the high side ($10 for a Red Bull/vodka, $8 for a rum/coke, $12 for a Long Island Iced Tea) but I'm willing to suck it up because it's not a place I come to on a regular basis.  Rather, it is an occasional spot I visit 2-3 times per summer.

    I am also heartened by the fact that they have a good amount of security there.  Drinking and lack of security is a bad mix and they always have at least 10-12 security guards there at all times, and it makes me feel safe.  They didn't throw me out when they saw me throw up in the planters on the back deck last time, either.  haha

    The only thing I can say is a little negative about it is some of the clientele is a little too rude and unappreciative for my tastes.  During one musical performance in 2010, the crowd booed after every song the band played.  That is very rude and I would never boo a musical act after a performance, no matter how much I disliked them.  They have more balls to get up on stage and sing than you ever will, you dbag.  If you don't like the music, simply politely applaud or say nothing.

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    Happening place. Fridays no cover which is great and also Sunday is their night but their is a cover. The best part I like is they have an outdoor bar right on the water at the back which has a great view. Bartenders are cool too. O yeah place has the most amount of security staff in entire Newport I think.

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