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    When traveling through smaller towns, I'm happy if there's a Starbucks. But if there's a locally owned coffee place? I'm beyond thrilled. There's something about local flavor that is best experienced spending a few hours people-watching the locals and eavesdropping on some town gossip.

    When I discovered that Columbia, NC boasts its own coffee shop I was ecstatic. No 30 minute coffee runs for this girl! When I learned that the coffee shop is shared with a winery I was even more excited to give it a try.

    In a more urban setting I might dock Elements for only having a few tables or for playing Indian versions of pop music. But for the area, Elements provides what I need - a coffee, some free wi-fi, and the choice of outdoor or indoor sitting.

    The girl who made my coffee was quick at the draw and so fun to talk to. My only complaint about the coffee is that it is far too weak for my taste. (Could be some feedback they've gotten from people who like it weak. Who knows?) The last day I finally said, "Make it strong enough that I can chew it" and she had the idea to add a shot of espresso. It was perfect.

    They do carry soymilk which made me very happy and they also carry David Rio Tiger Spice Chai.

    Will I be back at Elements? Absolutely. Would I visit it if it were in my own city? Maybe not.

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