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    average quality. not great but not bad either.

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    A relaxed bar w tv's and pool tables.
    Cheap drinks and mediocre to good waiters.
    Good bar food.
    If you go w the right people, you'll have a good time.

    Great place to watch UFC fights considering Buffalo Wild Wings charges you $10 a person!!!!

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    I love this bar. It's a great pace to go for a beer and a burger. They have a nice selection of beer on tap as well as bottled beers, and a full bar.  They have some good menu items. I'm a huge fan of the Blue Burger with a side of fries. The fries- by the way- are delicious. Always hot and crispy. Their ranch dressing is a house made ranch, so its really tasty. They also have a good selection of salads and sandwiches.

    This place has a bit of a divey feel, though they did recently repaint and redecorate. The bartenders are pretty awesome. If you haven't been here- definitely give it a shot!

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    Maybe if I played pool it would be a better venue?
    The place always seems dirty and a bit behind the times ...

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    It's ok, as far as food goes.  Nothin to write home about but not absolutely horrible either.  Staff is friendly and courteous.  Prices are comparable to other sit down places, $7.50 avg for hamburger and fries.

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    I thoroughly enjoy this place.  I normally stop in for a couple of drinks, but the food here is actually really good.  The fried zucchini is delicious.  They also do fried mushrooms.  The sandwiches are also quite good.  The selection of beers is nothing special, but it is sufficient.  They have a decent assortment of bottled beers to make up for what they don't have on tap.  I think what makes me like this place is the service with a smile that I get from the bartender and the servers.  Either way, I like this place to sit back and relax and watch a ball game while having a couple of beers.

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    I went here about a month ago for lunch on a Saturday.  It was wierd.  This one guy that sat to our right at the bar was randomly mumbling to himself or to the TV and getting very excited about Fox News.  At one point I heard him say "ROOOONNIE REAGAN!"  We expected to see some of the top football games but the feature was Yale versus Harvard which made us laugh.  When we asked them to change the channel, they asked if any other games might be playing on a Saturday afternoon.  After several channels of racing and a University of Las Vegas game, we finally found a good SEC game to watch.  The food was okay but I thought we dropped into the twilight zone for a second.

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    i was so disappointed when i went to sam's last night.  i got there a lot to watch football with my hubby and normally have nothing bad to say, but last night sucked.

    i know that in the states it is a totally foreign concept that people might not want ice in their drink, but for fuck's sake, I DON'T LIKE ICE!  i always make it CLEAR that i don't like ice.  i had to send my drink back twice to get it with no ice.  srsly annoying.

    then i ordered the fireworks chicken, something i have been getting this ENTIRE football season and enjoying and the *apparently* changed the sauce to bbq.  i sent it back...i don't want that.  if it ain't broke, don't fix it...the old sandwich wasn't broke!

    it angered me.  i finally settled on a quesadilla and onion rings for me and the hubby to split.  srsly, the GREASIEST quesadilla i've ever had.  and what was that white shit they put on the onion rings?  ugh.  i hate not being able to identify a substance i'm putting in my MOUTH.

    moral of the story, i don't plan on going back for awhile...maybe when i return they will change the sauce back on my sandwich.

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    Decent food. Good place to go just chill and watch the game. It's not wild and packed like Buffalo Wild Wings so if you actually wanna hear what's happening...it's probably a safer bet to go here.

    They have tables, a bar, pool tables and a couple of video games to play if you are bored or waiting on a table.

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