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    The pizza use to be really consistently good!  These days you don't know what exactly gonna get. You could either get a perfectly cooked pizza that's very tasty, or a pizza that's under done and doughy that the toppings wont stay on when you lift up the pieces. They also do a poor job at cutting them I always have to get out Tue pizza cutter. Although I would say it's still the best pizza in town

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    Great for the price. Ultra special without bacon or ground beef was perfecto

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    Field Dispatch - Camp Colon - 2010

    When people "from outside The Company" think of "us," they may know about "The Farm" as a tough training place, but those "outsiders" never think that we, too, need some R&R - aside from the "covers" that give us Ann Arbor in the sweltering summer and Marrakesh as "a rug dealer" (hard to believe, but that cover is still in the top 5!!  What would Professor Dai think . . . )  Anyway, Camp Colon does exist, and the place is populated by ex "us" people who know a thing or two about a thing or two!  Carl at Five Star is one such person.

    The place fits so totally into the "town," that even seasoned "professionals" think it is JUST a pizza place.  Well, the truth is that it is one of the BEST pizza places in the world - at least on the 5 continents that I have "done business" on - and your cover is NEVER jeopardized.  In fact, Carl (not his REAL name, but the name his "retirement cover" guys at The Farm gave him) is about the most affable and friendly owner operators you could ever meet.  NO ONE would believe the "work" he did in Yemen or with "The pip squeak" in North K -- all past, best not to ask.

    The pizza is remarkable.  The subs are filling, even the "half subs" (I chuckle when I think about how Carl came up with that name -- just suffice it to say that The Hunt for Red October has more than a whiff of meatballs or mozzarella to it . . . !)  

    I am not sure about the bread.   I WAS sure that the "Formula 18" was NOT to be taken off The Farm, but the subs and crust that Carl serves up has all the sensual joy that "Miss Betty" used to pack into her "special treats" for the Libyans, the K. Rouge, and those "bread mavens" who led their own people into ruin.  Obviously, the "extra ingredient" is NOT there in Camp Colon, but the craving you will have to have MORE of these sub rolls and crust is just like "Miss Betty" planned it!  All the taste of heaven . . . without "Momma's little extra . . .!"

    The pizzas are what pizza should be and so rarely are.  Plenty of toppings that are fresh and tasty, crust that is -- like I said, All the taste of heaven -- and a price that will cause confusion.  How can he remain in business with all this value he provides at the "reasonable to the point of head scratching" prices?  Well, as we all who had trained at The Farm and who took "Doc Adam's" course in financial affairs know, there are investments and there are "investments."  In any case, Carl has the latter as his prices serve to save the rest of us enough to make our own "investments."    Word to the wise, visit the Tip Jar for the women who help Carl -- They MAY be interns, and we do NOT want to disappoint interns in our business, do we??

    So, there will be another Dispatch from Camp Colon on another eatery not owned by "a retired one of us," but this Dispatch has but one purpose.  If you want the best pizza or sub at the best price -- take a detour and go to Colon.  Ask for Carl, tell him you know Paul from GR, and you will be convinced that we "take care of our own."

    Paul C

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