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    Great space, nice beer/wine selection and a "short but sweet" menu. We stopped in with some friends on a Monday night and I'm glad we got there early.  It was an open-mic night and the place really filled up. Four beers on tap - a nice selection of microbrews - and a small eclectic wine list.

    Seems like everyone in our party found something at the bar they liked. We enjoyed a couple of appetizers too... good, but not great. This place is probably less than a month old and I think they are still working things out on the food front. They really did a nice job rejuvenating the space, I've always loved those rock walls and that long bar - nice job with the lighting!

    If you're looking for a low key place to hang out and have a beer or a glass of wine - this could be it. I'll be back for sure!

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