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    Surprised they have the nerve to put the word "billiards" in the title of their bar!  This is one of the saddest excuses for a pool hall I think I have ever walked in to.  It is NOT a pool hall, far from it.  First of all, they have are nothing but the cheapest bottom of the line 7-foot Valley coin operated tables, and they are literally crammed into one half of the bar.  Only half of them could possibly be played on at one time because they are packed like sardines, not sure what the advantage is to having such an abundance of crap.  And how can you have no tables bigger than 7 foot?  Tables this small are seriously like child's play for anybody who knows how to stroke a cue.

    The clientele here is also a big problem, bunch of low-lifes who won't leave you alone, even if you try to hint to them that you're playing for money.  As if this wasn't bad enough, the bartender was such a total bitch that I refused to tip for the first time in my life, and I am generally a very good tipper.

    I just ordered a Brunswick Glenwood 9' with Simonis 860 cloth, since nobody can figure out how to properly operate a pool hall in the Omaha metro!  I'm sure my friends and I will enjoy the savings.

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