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  • Has TV
  • Smoking
  • Outdoor Seating

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    Okay, one star may not be fair but if you are unable to make it through the front door then I can't  justify giving anything higher.

    Friday night and looking to try some place new. This place was suggested. It had just recently relocated to this location and upon approaching looks very inviting. From the parking lot you see an uncovered outdoor seating area but it was raining and the area was not set up. Looking through the glass front of the restaurant  you can see what looks like a great sports bar and it probably is. But as soon as I opened the front door I was hit with a face full of cigarette smoke. Not a small whiff like when your seated outside next to smokers but full on smoking lounge / bar from 30 years ago type cigarette smoke. I am not usually one to complain about smoke but this was over the top. There was no way a meal in here, no matter how good, would have been enjoyable. I also don't know how they are getting around the no smoking laws. This place definitely looks more like a restaurant than a bar. Too bad because like I said it sure looked inviting. If the outdoor area had been open I might had a chance to  try their food. Don't think I will be back unless things change. Until then Cheers.

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