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    Been coming here since I was 9. It's amazing how little things change.  Same people same carpet lol.  Decor changed a little but you're not coming here for the decor.     It's a home town feel to it here.

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    Decided to take my 2 young daughters (5 and 3) and my mother in law to this bowling alley.  We paid for one game and 3 bowlers.  My kids need the bowling ramp assist in order to get the bowl down the lane.  I noticed that a family using it was finished bowling so I went up and asked them if they were done and if so, could I use it.  They very politely said no problem, we are finished using it.

    We bowled a entire game of 10 frame and had a great time.  I then decided to go and pay for one additional game.  When I returned to our lane, my mother in law explained to me that the young man working the lanes came up and took the ramp assist.  She tried to tell him that I was paying for an additional game and we needed it.  His reply was, "I don't care, it's only for special needs customers" and abruptly took it away as my 3 year old stood there upset.  

    Even our neighboring bowler saw this occur and went to the front desk to complain.  I immediately went back to the front desk and tried to explain that I understand that the ramp is used for special needs customers, however we had just bowled a complete game and nobody told us otherwise.  I further explained that if we are unable to use the ramp that I would just end up calling them each time my kids tried to get the ball down the lane because it would end up stuck on the lane.  The clerk wasn't listening and just simply said sorry nothing I can do.  I said so my choices are refund or call you each and everytime the ball gets stuck?  She said yes and I noted that I have never had this problem at Don Carter's in Boca, and she said "this is not Don Carter's".  My response was, "obviously not".  I asked for a refund.

    I went back to my family and tried to explain to my kids why were were leaving.  They didn't understand.  On the way out my Mother in Law tried to explained to a nameless name badge manager that the situation could've been handled better and she said sorry it's just their policy.

    What started out as fun quickly ended in complete dissatisfaction to the point that I will never again visit that place and will make it my personal mission to help prevent all of my family, friends, business associates NOT visit this place.

    They need to take a lesson in Customer Service 101.  It's not what you say, it' how you say it.

    Lost a customer in a recession....

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    Bowling is a fun and cheap night out if you catch good deals and this place runs LOTS of deals. The food could be a bit better, though. A bit substandard even for bowling alley food.

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