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  • Takes Reservation
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    Was recommended to this dive and was sorely disappointed.  I cannot rate the service except to say there was none.  Was served my soda in a small plastic Solo type cup, filled 80% with ice.  When I asked if they had glasses, server went on & on about how some people order a soda and 2 glasses of water and how one table had 11 people & ordered 15 drinks.  Well great for Alabama Joe's!  You'd think they could buy more glasses or dishwashers with all the $$$ they're raking in.  Took forever to get order, which was cold and incorrect; couldn't find server!  Guess why?  He was busy texting on his phone, apparently the scores of the games to his friends!

    Would not return.  They have no respect for the customer!

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    We went to watch the Alabama game at this venue, figuring it would as it's name be Bama friendly for fans of them. Well were we ever wrong, Not one Bama fan and like pulling teeth to get them to put a television on the game. The owner which is from New York stood there drinking water. Why would a guy buy a bar and name it Alabama Joe's when he has no interest in anything from that state and the menu was typical run of the mill all Fried food, and nothing southern, just like as if you were at Fridays or any other chain of restaurants. Sadly to say we left, being's it was evident the name of this place had nothing to do with it's agenda. We would never go back, there is nothing on the menu to make it stand out, Just typical fried foor greasy things to eat:(

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    The food here is simply awful.

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