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    Some bike festival going on at that time. There may be about 40+ awesome bikes and roadies outside who were probably preparing for a fancy stunt show. Some the acrobats were the highlight of the evening. The restaurant it self was like a bar. A couple of tables and chairs and stools to sit at the bar counter. For the first time I imagined eating curry at bar table. They are open late.

    There was a DJ playing the music that was LOUD, I mean really really LOUD. There was no way we were going to dine in. They messed up my Yelp coupon but we eventually sorted it out.
    We had jerk chicken with gravy of curry chicken, then a curry chicken both with rice and peas with steamed veggies. The food took some time. The jerk chicken was good, a little smoked from outside and tender from inside. Well cooked as the meat would easily fall of the bone. The curry chicken, I thought lacked some flavor. It was nice but the zing was missing. The chicken in the curry was also very good, well cooked. The rice and peas were good and the veggies were fresh.

    On the whole, it was OK. In my book there are better food options in BPB area. Their food was well cooked but a certain taste that immediately appeals to you was missing. Will eat there when I am back in the area.

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