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    Formerly "The Brown Bottle", this place has gone downhill over the last 20 years. "Low Rent" atmosphere combined with "Low Rent" folks... Good place to go to pick up a married woman.

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    This is a dive bar in a strip mall in Little Rock's west end. But this bar is where all the IT movers and shakers for my company go on Wednesday nights, so I dropped in to crash the party last night.

    The drinks are good and strong, but if you have an aversion to smoke, you may want to avoid this place, ventilation is somewhat poor and the ceilings are low. They have live music late on Wednesdays, but aside from our group, there really weren't a lot of people here. The bar is very long and narrow, and the band was at the far end, so it wasn't so loud as to drown out our conversation, which I appreciated.

    Grumpy's serves your typical bar food. My average quality cuban sandwich helped to soak up all the Crown Royal. This wouldn't be my personal choice for a hangout if I lived in LR, but if you like low-key dives, maybe you should check it out.

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