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    So apparently there's been tons of controversy over this hookah bar opening up in a neighborhood of churches, but I say, screw them.  This town needs more things to do late at night other than going downtown to the same six bars or eating at IHOP.  Nothing against IHOP...I actually like going there... but I guess that'd be another review for another time.

    Nara Cafe just opened their doors a few weeks ago.  It's got some sprucing up to do, but may I say, I already know I WILL fall in love with the place once the pieces are put together.  

    What they have now:
    -nice assortment of flavored tobacco to try
    -beautiful hookahs to smoke out of.  Can I say gold encrusted?  Classy.
    -flat screens lining the walls tuned to espn or other sports channels.  the other night it was tuned to health discovery and tbs for some reason...
    -a crazy sound system playing either popping Indian music or a hip hop mix.  seems as though they need some help in this department because multiple songs were repeated.  once is okay, but i got kind of tired of hearing 'i'm in love with a stripper' for the fourth time.

    What they will have soon:
    -liquor license next month...but as far as not having any alcohol in the place now...you might *ahem get around that somehow if they don't see it *cough cough.  
    -full range kitchen - their menu is going to consist of Middle Eastern appetizers such as kabobs and other goodies
    -hopefully they'll get more couches and decorative pillows for the place.  The place doesn't look the nicest or isn't the most comfy with the seating arrangements they have now...

    I gave this place four stars the first time i went there and after being there a second time, I'm changing it to three.  I guess my good time was highly induced by alcohol during my first encounter....

    Oh yeah, and their air conditioning is jacked up, so bring a sweater.  Or if not, then  just cuddle up next to someone on a couch.

    This place is alright now, but has lots of potential once things are up and running.  Once they are, and things are smoothened out, I can see myself spending a lot of time there.  Hoping they got stamp cards avaiable...

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