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    I came in starving and thirsty for my obligatory decaf iced latte...at 3 in the afternoon, after a 5 hour flight with a 5 month old baby and three hours of sleep...and this place saved the day. At a time of day when most places are closed or indifferent to your plight.

    I was hoping for a more full food menu, but the turkey panini was very good. And the iced latte was awesome. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've ordered an iced latte and the folks just don't know how to make it. Really. This latte was rich and *not* melted down. Perfect.

    The guy working there was super sweet. I wish I lived in LR, I would absolutely hang out at the Joint.

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    I went to The Joint for their Saturday night show. I had no idea what to expect, but it was really fun! It's nice to have an option for something different to do on a weekend night.
    The show was hilarious - the 3 actors are very talented, and they played a huge cast of characters, seamlessly changing wigs/hats/glasses/accents quickly. The show was impressive and a lot of fun. The jibberish-talking Doctor character had me in tears.
    They have a lot of good beers on tap - we got a pitcher of Scrimshaw and were happy campers.

    I have also come here during the day for coffee + Wifi. It's a nice space, with great coffee and fast internet. I'll keep coming back to support this local business.

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    We had a blast at The Joint, which we visited on our anniversary! We were truly impressed.

    For those who are unaware, The Joint was opened by a couple from Houston who had a comedy club there for many years. They moved to Little Rock and added a third person, calling themselves "The Main Thing."  On weekends, they perform comedies such as the one we saw, "Electile Dysfunction". Throughout the week, they have musical and improv performances.

    The atmosphere is great - they have a brand new, well thought out design with plenty of seating. They offer an abundance of drinks (wine, beer, coffee, and non-alcoholic options) along with light hors d'oeuvres. We had excellent service the entire night.

    Electile Dysfunction was hilarious (I especially loved the Little Rock evangelist!) I was worried it may be cheesy, but it really wasn't. Just good, clean (enough) humor.

    And not to be missed - they offer excellent coffee and drink selections from morning to night. Don't like the options? Just ask, and they're happy to test some new concoctions.

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