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    Great Venue! I saw basslights here

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    Saw two Monster Jam shows here. The place is still holding its own after all the years. Ticketmaster pricing is a rip off at best. $5 kids tickets went to $12 once all the "fees" were added. We paid at the box office and saved all of that. Worth the drive in my opinion. Exiting the parking lot afterwards was slow but steady.

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    Two words:  FREE PARKING!

    Also awesome:  located so conveniently off the 64, small venue, clean facilities, and personal escort to your seat.

    Makes watching Disney on Ice with a 5 year old that's not mine somewhat bearable.

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    I remember my first concert at age 13.  My best buddies (to this very day) won three tickets to the Pantera and Anthrax (yes, even back in the day I was hard-core, homie!).  It was at the Hampton Coliseum.  And maybe that's why, to this day, I still love the Hampton Coliseum.  Before the Virginia Beach Amphitheater and before the Norva, the Hampton Coliseum was the venue of venues, the only place to find stadium sized entertainment.  Even though I wasn't a Pantera and Anthrax fan, that first concert--complete with a mosh pit on the huge floor of the coliseum--completely rocked!  The acoustics were nice and there was plenty of space to get crazy.

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    I saw my first concert alone at Hampton Coliseum--meaning without my parents. My parents were young and hip and they took me to concerts as a kid, but this was the first one I went to with just me and a teenage friend.
    It was Aha. As in "Take on Me." Yes, feel free to snicker amongst yourselves. I also saw Public Enemy there. Are you still snickering? I thought not.
    Anyway...Hampton Coliseum used to be the shizz-nit as far as big concerts around here before the VB Amphitheater stole some of their thunder. Not so much anymore unless you count Phish or Disney on Ice or the Hampton Jazz Festival or the Monster Truck Rally, none of which excite me very much.
    But still, it's a cool place to see a show or an event. And I love when they have the cheesy multicolored lights on it at Christmas time.

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    The highlights of my coliseum visits stem mostly from my childhood. I saw silly 80s acts like Debbie Gibson, New Kids on the Block and Bryan Adams to name an embarrassing few. Hey, I was just a kid, what did I know about music?

    My latest venture out to the Hampton Coliseum was for Cirque du Soleil about a year ago. Has not aged a bit! Still a great venue for the area.

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    So one friend once told me that the group Phish loves the Hampton Coliseum, in fact he said it was their favorite place to play because it looks like a spaceship. Now, I'm not the biggest Phish fan in the world, actually I'm not really a fan at all, but I gotta agree with them on the whole spaceship thing. Oh, and on the Hampton Coliseum being pretty darn cool thing as well.

    I have been going there since I was a kid and I've always been pretty fond of the place. There are lots of different shows and activities that come through the Coliseum and I've always enjoyed them all. If it's good enough for Phish then it's good enough for me...or uh, something like that.

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    I saw The Black Eyed Peas here.  It was a great concert.  The arena is fine.  It was really easy to arrive, park, enter, and depart.  The facility is cool looking...like the other reviews say, like a spaceship.  I would definitely return here if another performer I enjoyed was going to play here.

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    The Hampton Coliseum was a great place to host the Phish March 2009 reunion shows. Though MSG would have been more convenient for many (and held more people), the sound quality was outstanding.

    Security was pretty lax all over. This meant a chaotic scene trying to get in, especially the first night and seemingly an over-capacity audience inside. But it also created a laid-back character and I saw the stage security bat balloons back into the audience rather than pop them as they do at some venues.

    High marks overall, but I did not venture too far away from my little patch of stairwell to investigate the food or beer options. The music was all I needed.

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    In light of the Phish reunion to take place at the Hampton Coliseum this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I thought I would write up a review on this old hockey area turned spaceship... thats right, spaceship

    Now I should mention that the only events I have seen here have been Phish shows so I have only seen this area as a spaceship.

    It seems that the parking lot was made for a Phish show. An endless walk way into the venue which makes for a perfect area for Shakedown! At about 4 pm they turn on the outside lights of the coliseum, which makes it look like a giant spaceship (how many times can I say "spaceship" in one review) very cool sight to see. Once inside you walk through the doors and right to the floor area, nice! All the shows I have seen here have been GA and have never been up in the seats, why be in the seats when the floor is right there? Although I have blindly, spunly stumbled to the area behind the stage a few times and the sound is just as good!

    which brings me to the acoustics, crystal fucking clear! I have seen Phish in arenas all over the country and this one has by far the best sound! For arenas that is.

    So if you find yourself in Hampton, VA when Phish is in town, swing by and say hello

    T-minus 4 fucking days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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