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    My mother and I should have turned around and walked right out of the restaurant but we were very hungry. The hostess (?) said to sit anywhere and then when we went to sit at a nice table by the window she said oh no not there - that it was for larger parties, mind you this was at 1:30 on a Sunday when there were only 2 other people in the restaurant.
    The service was equally rude and incompetent from there on out and we didn't get a good meal to make it worth our patience.
    $35 dollars for soggy fried food and rude service, no thanks.

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  • 0

    This place is under new owners and is no longer called Hangars cafe.  I think it is called Sugar Buns now I believe.  the sugar Buns are good but the service is lousy .  Also the waitress smock was dirty.  I haven't been back.

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