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    On Saturday night, my Husband took me to Havana Nights as a surprise for our wedding anniversary. Located in the the Carribean Court Boutique Hotel, it was wonderful and I was SO surprised and impressed. One walks upstairs and through a door to a chic and well staffed piano bar with booths that face out into the room. It has a clubby, intimate vibe. At the piano was Antonio and he was wonderful. Smooth, skilled piano playing, relaxing and adding to the vintage vibe in the place. The service was excellent and the waitstaff skilled and attentive. Great Manchego and chorizo bites with my Malbec.  Just go :)
    the hotel is def on my list next tome and the restaurant too.

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    My husband took me here for our weekly "date night" and it was great.  I loved the decor...white leather (?) booths with turquoise pillows, glass candle holders with sand and shells in the bottom and white candles, each sitting on a fresh palm frond. Sea turtle shells on one of the walls, even the menus were neat....covered in straw.  All very "beachy" and also romantic.  Piano music playing ... the first set there were no vocals but when the gentleman came back for the second set, he also sang.  Very nice!  We shared a couple of appetizers/tapas. The calamari steak was tender and although the sauce was a bit sweet for my taste, it was very good.  The baby octopus was difficult to eat.  It had a nice flavor but for some reason, I expected them to be served such that they didn't look like they'd just been pulled from the ocean.  They were precious little whole bodies so I had to close my eyes when I ate them and couldn't manage to keep that up so didn't finish them.  I've had octopus many times...just not whole ones like that!!!  We both had a sole fillet and scallops in a white wine sauce and loved it.  The sole was flaky and not too "fishy" tasting and the scallops were a nice size and very tender and flavorful.  It came with a salad or lobster bisque and a choice of 3 desserts.  Hubby opted for the lobster bisque and I stole a spoonful and really enjoyed it.  They were out of balsamic vinaigrette dressing so our server brought me the chef's suggested replacement which was GROSS!  Some sort of raisin dressing and I HATE raisins.  Blech!  Good thing she put it on the side.  Neither of us had dessert because they were out of the one I wanted and the other two choices didn't appeal to me.   The mojitos and  chocolate martinis were delicious and the service was great.  If they wouldn't have run out of salad dressing and the dessert I wanted (at 7pm on a Thursday night when it wasn't very crowded?!?!) I would have added another star.

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    Great wine list poured in huge quantities and into huge wine glasses. Wonderful choice of food, including the menu from the downstairs menu. Eclectic crowd of well-heeled locals and hotel residents - this place can get amazingly rowdy, but in a nice way.

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