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    this place was alright.  the prices weren't bad the atmosphere was really nice.  and the womans bathroom was pretty decent not that nasty in it.  the employees were also very friendly. now the good stuff .... the music.  they had good music at times and not so much at others.  if your looking for good music with a good mix of all types of spanish music then dont go here.  basically all night long bachata and merengue was playing.   then when they finally go some good music it would play for a little then go back to merengue or bachata. basically the DJ had to go with what the crowd was feeling and it seems like thats the kinda stuff the crowd does feel there.  the music was way to loud i started to hear a buzzing noise.  if you dont like extra loud music then dont go. this place does not have an egyption theme like i thought no big deal though. so thats why i gave it an ok rating its not bad but its not that good.

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    Had a great time....  Music was good... Nice not having to leave the bronx and party... Its cheaper to pop a bottle then buy the drinks...

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    There are some nice fat-bottomed Latina women here.

    And then tons of others that are... just really fat

    How's that for an honest review?

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    Nice club, not your typical Bronx (hood) crowd. Good music on both floors, love the ambiance.

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    Nice club and man, if you are single, there were a lotta good looking, nice ladies....I wasn't single, though...

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    Had a great time!!! Went this past weekend and had such a wonderful time. Music is varied and good. Bartender was friendly. Has hookahs! Gonna make it my regular spot.

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    Gross. It's been a while and I ended up here one night when I wanted to do something more local. I am now older and wiser...I don't know what the hell I was thinking.

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    I don't get stupid places like this that want to charge a cover and still expect you to spend a small fortune at the bar for sub-par drinks and music you can listen to in KTU and La Mega. Evolve people!

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    Cool place to go music is pumping, if you have Latin flavor in you feet,pretty small on the dance floor, but just right .

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    This is a small lounge in Riverdale with street parking that is extremely hard to find a spot. The night I went I had on sneakers and the door man was giving my group and I a hard to time to get in cause most of us had on sneakers. After negotiating and debating for a while, we got in as always!

    I enjoyed standing by the bar and scoping the place out and did notice how long the bar was. it had to be at least 40-50 feet long. That just might have been their problem, huge bar= small dancing and lounging space for people to chill.

    Also, I hate places that put bathrooms all the way in the back past the dance floor, bar, and 8,000 people overcrowding the place. Its like a fight and journey across the jungle to get to the bathroom!

    But besides that I had a good time that night and I will give them 3 stars!

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    Uhm... I have been to Ibiza multiple times. They used to play a lot of Spanish rock, which was pretty cool. They mostly played merengue and reggeton this time. The music was good, but for some reason I just wasn't feeling it. I went on a Saturday night and there was a good amount of people. I guess one of the reasons my night was messed up is that my Nexus one was stolen out of my purse! I have to admit that the security people as well as the DJ were very helpful in trying to help me find the phone. I even offered a $100 reward. I'm sure that the person who took it knew they could get much more for it.

    The place is not really bad at all, just make sure you go with people because from my experience the more people you go with, the better the party is.

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    The club it self is great the security system and guards the worse.

    The business runs pretty good, great music, price for drinks good..
    but the business looks like if its been run by the guards; a friend of my had to tip the guy $20 because no ID to get in mean while pay another $20 at the door; in addition to this another individual was mad since he was not dress with the proper shoes (& understandable) BUT! mean while this is happening a person with his friends come out the club with Jordan's kits, white uptowns, and so on... not a good point of view from my end, I wont visit that place.

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    This is a great local spot.

    Music is great: Mostly spanish, with some techno and hip hop mixed in.

    Drinks are around $10 and not that awesome...

    The decor is great and there are two floors.

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    Just got in a cab from 225 & Broadway to go there, fare 12 bucks.  Stand at the door with my date. and wait to be wanded, as in do you have weapon?  Well my date is a P.O. that carrys. We could not get in.  Soooo now I believe that this is a  very dangerous place to try to have a good time in..  The guy on the door look rather criminal himself, says that P.O.'s are not allowed to carry their weapons. So if anything pops off in there , guess what?  I rather party somewhere else and not take any chances.

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    Stay away from this place. Went for a friends birthday party & they treated us like criminals. This place is a little shythole spot in the bronx & is not worth a $20 cover. There are plenty of great places in manhattan & they know how to treat their customers.

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    Went on a Friday night and I was pleasantly surprised.  This place is nice.  It wasn't packed the night I went but there were enough people to make it feel comfortable and not dead.  I like the layout -- spacious and nice booth areas for parties.  We had a bottle -- $195 for Grey Goose, can you believe it?  A bottle of Grey Goose will run you about $300 in Manhattan.  We also had a hookah pipe with peach preserves -- delish.  The DJ was good.  Mostly Spanish music -- mainly bachata and merengue.  A Dominican's dream club, for sure. :-) He did sprinkle in some salsa and even had some house and a nice reggae segment but the main music here is definitely merengue and bachata.  There was no crowd drama or pretentiousness.  Everybody was there to have a good time and showcase their fancy footwork on the dance floor.  I don't normally frequent lounges or clubs in the Bronx, but Ibiza is definitely worth the trip.

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    Gosh, I spent like 20 mins now trying to remember the name of the spot. As I had been drunkie drunkie the time we went there. 8-)

    It was really cool: spacious, with 2 levels; great music... I remember having tequila shots at the bar, and later dancing (well, improvising) salsa and everybody stared at us... hey

    It was...umm...2 yrs ago. Hope the place is still popping. Hope I reviewed the right place. lol

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    Ibiza Lounge. Nice place. Good to bring people that are new to town.
    $10-20 cover for guys on saturdays. Drinks are relative equal to other places 7-15 a drink. The party gets started late as always and the dance floor is ok. They have two floors, one is cool and relaxed, the other is the hot and sweaty basement.
    Besides that, im a fan, i will go again and again..
    who wants to party, lets go to IBIZA.
    ITS a spanish place, but there are people from all over on that lounge

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    If you are looking for the following:

    Merengue, bachata, salsa, Spanish Rock, inexpensive drinks, a fire breathing bartender, beautiful Latinos dancing all night, men who wear white shoes and smell like cologne...

    Then look no further b/c Ibiza is your place!! It's a great looking crowd and the music is always great. The party doesn't get started until about 1am b/c we're Latinos and we are always fashionably late. The cover is basic usually around $10 for women $20 for men.

    I've gotten there at 12am and danced until they kicked me out at 4am, but I wasn't the only one. Everyone usually leaves when it closes b/c no one notices the time. How can you? It's dark, everyone smells great (I'm a big cologne gal) and all you're doing is dancing.

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