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    This place is the only karaoke spot in Sierra Vista. We walked in and my husband was nice to the owner, she was a straight up female dog. A beer was accidentally spilled and she made a big scene about how she spends a lot of money on her song books (which wasn't spilled on) and she tried to charge me $13 for a Long Island Ice Tea. It would be a great place to go if the owner wasn't such a terrible person. She made my group super uncomfortable to be in her establishment. She sucks. No point in giving her any business if she doesn't want it.

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    Don't go here. It's expensive and scummy.

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    By far the worst bar in Sierra vista. I have brought this women a lot of business for kareokee . I went in there with a group of people and she Rudely stopped me in the middle of my song and told me I needed to buy more drinks or get out . I brought her business the night before and tonight . I bought drinks . She is rude an I will be reporting her to the better business bureau for her obsured rudeness . Horrible place

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    My hubby took me here. He had  may stories of great times but it was dead when we went on a Saturday night.  We both sang some karaoke but there wasn't even a DJ there but a regular knew how to work the equipment so we had to punch in our own selections?! The point of having the DJ is so they can adjust the equalizer according to the song and your voice. The drinks were ok, nothing unusual.  They do have a few pool tables in the front, so if you are just looking for a hang out it's fine but as Karoke...not so much.

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    You have to really love karaoke to love this place! I noticed a funny odor about the place, not sure what it was, probably stale alcohol on the bar floor. I saw the mama-san make up two shots of tequila and was getting ready to serve it, one of the drinks tipped over. The drink and the lime fell on to the freezer cover. Well she just picked up the lime, stuck it back on the shot glass and served it!

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    This place reminds me of an Asian pool hall/karaoke bar. Wait... it is! It was a chill place to hang out and watch people get their sing on. If that doesn't interest you, you can play pool on one of the 4? 5? pool tables at the front of the bar. It is very well lit and not dark like the karaoke side.

    I think I need to make another pit stop here. I'd love it if they offered shochu, but I can't remember if they do or not. My guess is no.

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    i heart IK.  here's why:

    karaoke bars are ALWAYS a blast.  drunk ppl singing, dancing and being ridiculous is always fun.  and in a small town like SV, you have about a 50% chance that there will be a brawl/cat fight since everyone knows everyone else.  i HEART cat fights.  they make my night.

    mama, the bartender, is good about making the drinks quick and she remembers you if you go often enuf.  AND she is willing to throw out *those guys* when they get ridiculously drunk.  i like that...especially since it is always a fun scene to watch.

    there are always ppl who should not be singing who hog the mike all night.  they make me feel like i should have a record deal.  instant ego boost.  i dig it.

    all in all, a fun time

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