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    Good bar food and affordable beer. Bartenders are extremely friendly. The place is definitely a dive bar and has karaoke nights. It is nice place to get a beer if you do not want to be at a super busy restaurant to grab a drink after work.

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    Dive bars are dark, grungy, chaotic -- the perfect type of bar for me, really. Less civilized, but more exciting. Less attractive, but more available. Less exclusive, but more forgiving.

    You know what irks me about this place? Even though it's a dive bar, it's still in Princeton; there are always tall, above-average-looking white guys congregating in this place -- which is sort of in my wheelhouse. I feel generic whenever I'm here. It's messed up. I guess everyone who goes here must have had decent health insurance and good nutrition growing up. Just like me.

    I notice that other reviewers complain about the Ivy Inn as if it didn't belong in a place like Princeton. But that's just ridiculous. Genius breeds misery, and this is one of the only miserable places in this Ivy League town. I'll bet anything that this place makes for an excellent refuge for some of the most beautiful minds in Princeton.

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    The Divey has always been a decent dive oasis in stuffed up Princeton. However, in the last few months they have seriously upped the ante! The place looks fantastic! And their new menu may be the strongest menu in town. Tunes, tater tots, trivia and cans of pbr in a town of puffed pastries? Pure heaven.

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    Good local dive bar.  The prices are great and when it is warm, the back patio is great.

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    Went back for a sporting event on campus, and decided to catch some post dinner drinks at Ivy Inn. Came here a lot my senior year as an undergrad, and I was happy to see the place hasnt changed much.

    This place is a dive bar, and a fun one. They had a pretty decent cover band the night that I went. Played a lot of 1990-2000s altenative music. Had a lot of fun watching others dance, and jamming out to them. $20 will go a long way here as drinks are cheap. $9.50 for  a vodka tonic and a jack and coke.  Needless to say, I was definitely feeling it after we left.

    There is a back patio as well. They should invest in a few heat lamps though. Would make the space much more cozy.

    Cheap drinks, cover bands, and dancing on a Saturday night in sleepy little downtown Princeton. Sign me up!

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    Total dive in the BEST WAY POSSIBLE. The reason I'm giving it three stars is because if that's what you're looking for, this place is perfect!

    Loud music, cramped on weekends, inexpensive drinks, long bathroom lines (bathroom is postage stamp sized in true dive-bar form), nice big outdoor area in the back with an unexpectedly impressive succulent vertical garden (who would have thought?!), lots of college students, and bouncers that  are so big they look like they're ready to take on the zombie apocalypse.

    I definitely recommend this place if you're into dive bars, and highly suggest trolling down a few doors to get drunk food afterward...they also have a pretty hyped karaoke scene.

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    Probably the diviest bar in Princeton, so it's a nice change of pace from the usual scene. Very hit or miss- some nights are a lot of fun, and sometimes it's just kinda slow and quiet

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    The only true dive in Princeton.  It's a blast and the people are great.  Also the best late night beer stop.

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    The location of this place on prestigious Nassau Street in Princeton leads one to think that they are going to a high end lounge with snobbish patrons and high price food and drink. Well, at the Ivy Inn, it couldn't be further from the truth. Depending on your preferences, this place can be a nice oasis from the overpriced Princeton norm.

    That all being said, the place is nothing more than a glorified dive full of a mix of old regulars and wayward college students. The decor is that of an old school pub, with the walls covered in beer signs and sports pictures from the University. The layout is little confusing and thrown together. When you come in, you have a pool table to your side and a carry out fridge in front of you. I guess this is to make it easier to get take out beer. The bar is against the far wall from where you walk in, on the other side of the beer coolers. In between the bar and the coolers is the men's room. On the other side of the bar is the ladies room. And on the other side of the ladies room, along the wall, is a small dart playing area. Across from the dart area in the corner is a DJ/stage. Then next to that is the seating area that can accommodate about 20 people.

    I was there for a birthday party for my friend, Justin. First thing we found out is they are really strict about ID's. One of our friends had his green card, but no drivers license. He spent the night outside bumming smokes. Second thing, there is no food besides pop corn. So if you're hungry, eat something before you come. Third, it gets packed fast. Making the trip to the bar to get those cheap beers a bit of the challenge. Speaking of beer, they do have a good selection on tap other than your basic domestics. Lastly the karaoke guy isn't very friendly to put it nicely, he gets upset and combative at the slightest thing. Let's just say he was the reason for my group leaving for the night. We were told by management we are welcome back, but I feel that the damage has been done. The overcrowding was enough for me not to return, but add this guy to the mix, the chances of me coming back are slim at best.

    There was no food so I can't say it's fat kid approved.

    As always, stay peckish my friends.

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    I'm not surprised at the number of negative reviews, given the generally snooty Princeton attitude.  As a non-Princeton native forced to live here with my grad student spouse, the Ivy is a much needed escape from the chichi, overpriced and generally boring and sterile Princeton bar scene.

    The Ivy is a dive, there is no question, but it is not "a dirty place."  I mean, you come here to drink and watch a game with friends.  It's not like they even serve food!  Lighten up germ freaks, the Ivy is no worse than most bars.  All of this aside, I find it to be a good place to drink a beer, play trivia (Tuesday nights) and watch whatever sporting event you care to.  A plus, they have Fox Soccer Network and play a good number of international football matches if that is your thing.

    A great recent addition to the tall boys of PBR and cheap domestic drafts is the excellent, locally brewed River Horse Pilsner from Lambertville, NJ, which, along with the other more high-end beers now on tap, gives you the option to class it up a bit.

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    I had been to the Ivy a few times before, but after last night, I will never give them my business again.  While waiting in a line to get in (the night before Thanksgiving, I'm sure, is the only time there's a line to get in there), the bouncers yelled out to the crowd, "if you've got boobs and butts you can get in!"  I would have disregarded their unprofessional behavior if it hadn't been for what happened next.  A patron inside was singled out for being gay and was thrown out by the manager, with disparaging comments.

    I'll pay the extra dollar for a draft beer down the street.  I am absolutely disgusted with this establishment.

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    As with most anyplace the thing that sort of says it all -  it simply smells, the stench of simply being dirty, unclean - probably by sloppy lazy owners and employees.

    Dive bars are OK...filthy places are not.

    This is a filthy place.

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    It was a alright....
    Had some tv's, pool table, darts, and decent staff.
    The only thing memorable was when we first walked in the bar faces the door and this girl was sitting on a stool and her pants were a little too low in the back and all you see is a PINK THONG.

    Welcome to the Ivy!  Bwahahahaha

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    The Ivy is a dive bar, no question about it. Unfortunately, the pretension of some reviewers give the Ivy a bad rep. Anyone who claims they where drinking there when they were 16, lies. Anyone who thinks the bar is just for townies, well, they must go to the Ivy a little early because at night it is a very diverse crowd of happy 20 and 30 somethings. Princeton Undergrads normally do not go to the Ivy during the school year, but grad-school students love the place. The decor may be a little drab and out of date, but it only reflects their 1990's era pricing. Seriously, $2 beers, in Princeton, all day, every day? Say what you will about DUIs or a police presence, it's your own fault for driving drunk, dummy. The Ivy Inn has family business attitude and it constantly is apart of community programs (like Men's Summer League basketball, softball, kickball, charities, etc). Overall, the place is a little deeper than you would think, especially if you dismiss it for being a dive.

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    This place is so incredibly gross. It takes dive bar to an entirely new level. I have no idea how it exists in Princeton, much less above the Mason Dixon line.

    Super trashy place that used to let anyone in, but now takes carding way too seriously. Filled with PU students, locals, and dirty old men who skeeve on the PU girls. It's far too small for the amount of people they let in.

    The only time it's worth coming is the night before Thanksgiving if you went to high school in the area and either A) liked the people you spent those years with or B) are really rich or hot now and want to show off.

    Avoid karaoke nights especially.

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    This is a reasonable dive bar.  It's most singular feature is that it is within walking distance of Princeton campus.   The beer is cold and cheap.  It has a junky, but useable pool table.  If you're looking for these features, the Ivy Inn will do the job.

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    Started coming here since I was 21.  The Staff are definetly what makes this place.  A lot of times it's empty which can be a good thing.

    Everyone that works here is friendly.  They make stiff drinks and love to banter. Justin is a Pro and makes you feel like a regular every time.

    Very Random crowds here and this is the local spot that started Karaoke on Wednesdays.  They also have take out Beer, I'm serious they let you leave with it.

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    apparently alot of kids of my school (Princeton high) would go here to drink back when we were underaged. I was always too afraid of being caught (or spotted by my parents and/or one of their friends, who always seemed to catch me when I was somewhere I wasn't supposed to be. remind me to tell you the story about the time my dad found out I was at a Princeton University party at 4am because apparently one of HIS friends was there.............) so I never went.

    until a few years ago when I met up with a former classmate to have drinks and catch up on life. Decent dive bar, I remember there being a relatively good selection of beer. Staff was..........well, virtually non-existant, mostly because it was (i think) the day after Christmas, but nice enough. Pool table maybe? God, I'm senile. can't remember now.

    I usually choose not to go drinking in Princeton to avoid running into people I know (i hate those "OMG how have you been????" conversations, especially since I left school mid-senior year and to this day, apparently people think i was in jail or got knocked up and sent away. ugh) but the Ivy is a decent place to grab a few rounds.

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    I've only come to this place for trivia on Tuesdays, but it's been the bee's knees. Fun and diverse crowd for trivia (though I wish the regular teams interacted a bit more..it would be cool!). The bartenders are pretty chill, and the drinks are cheap. A dive bar, to be sure, but clean and not-so-sketchy.

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    I can only give this place a review b/c it is pretty much the ONLY spot for a cheap, non-pretentious beer in Princeton. It's a dive and doesn't have much going for it and the drinks aren't that great, but if you're up for karaoke, Ron the great, hosts a solid karaoke night there every Thursday from 10pm on.

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    This place wasnt to bad, its a dive bar so know that walking in there. The place wasnt to croweded when we we go there and when we left  it still wasnt to crowed on a firday night.

    The beer was pretty cheap i, remeber paying practically nothing for about 10 beers. granted they had 24 ounce miller for 2 bucks so.
    All in all, it wasnt the best place around but the cheap beer made up for the 3 buck cover.

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    This was a great little find.  Yes, it is a dive bar, but with a few friends we were quite surprised.  They have a pool table, dart board, and a very small dancing area.  An expensive beer was $4, and a pitcher was $15.  Those arent bad prices.  Everyone seemed very nice and friendly.

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    How is this place in Princeton? Everywhere else with a liquor license uses it more wisely here. It's a trashy Jersey bar and manages to attract every single person that will ever start a fight to its parking lot. Every. Single. Weekend.

    Also, at closing time the line at Haven becomes ridiculous and makes my delicious sandwich that much harder to get. Oh yeah, the police love to park right outside this bar and follow people going out of it to catch them doing a DUI. Makes Nassau St that much more obnoxious for everyone living here.

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    Ah, so this is a real Jersey dive.
    Yup, crowded with plenty of townies grinding to loud hip-hop with the sounds of incoherent shouting and shattering beer bottles mixed in.
    Not a bad spot if that's the type of mood you're in.

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    The cheapest place to drink and hang out in town.

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    The Ivy is basically the definition of a dive bar.  Sketchy crowd at times, ridiculous music (which ends up being fun after a few $1 Miller High Life pints), and it can take forever to get the attention of a bartender.  However, it's still a good go-to place if you're looking to people watch, hang out with friends, and drink (very) cheap brew.

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    If you are looking for cheap beer, lowbrow crowd, girls with big BMI, you will fit right in. If you are looking to hook up with good looking people, I do not think that there is a place in town for you. Drive up to New York. This place is what NJ is all about.

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    Princeton's best attempt at a dive bar. However, that's not really saying a great deal -- it's a dive only by Princeton standards.  The floors and tables are sticky, but the bar still occasionally charges cover.  And unless you enjoy not being able to move, avoid fridays and saturdays.

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    I see that a lot of people have rated this place highly.
    Have you been to any other bars before?

    The things that this place has that I love are the take out, chill staff and ludicrously cheap beer. Other than that on a Friday or Saturday night it is way too packed to have any sort of fun whatsoever.

    best times to go are weekdays when it isn't as crowded. That way you can actually socialize and still drink for mad cheap. Definitely had a bunch of black outs here.

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    Just thought I would clarify...there still is a  $1 Draft but now it is Miller High Life...cover is charged on nights with a dj or band...the bar is always closed on New Years...they use cups when they run out of glasses...and yes, the cops drive in a circle on the street in front and then follow and pull over (legitimate cause isn't a prerequisite) cars leaving.

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    ahh the ivy. one of two townie bars for me. the ivy is the only non-pretentious bar in greater princeton. It's the only dive, and i find various people from my high school still working here. they used to have a happy hour every hour special ($1 rolling rock on draft) but i guess they no longer have that. they also charge a $3 cover three times a year - they day after thanksgiving, the day after xmas, and new years. beers are $3, mixed drinks come in tiny plastic cups. they have a DJ on somedays, and there's a pool table in there. love the post about the DUI guy, the cops literally sit outside this bar around 1am looking for drivers. so make sure you have a designated guy who will stop at 2 beers

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    Duh, DUI recipient: Word to the wise- never park on Nassau when you go to the Divy...er, Ivy.
    You know how they have ski-in, ski-out lodges? Consider the Ivy a walk-in, walk-out bar. Princeton cops are notoriously bored,  err I mean, attentive, and have nothing better to do than sit across the street from the Divy and wait for you to drive off. You may get a block away, but then you're toast.
    And, yeah; it is what it is. Salt of the earth older crowd. Typical, "Are they even old enough to be in here?" younger crowd. PU students, I guess?
    They have a pool table, in case you feel like showing off your butt, which sometimes, after a few, I do.
    If you grew up in the area, it's a pretty safe bet you'll run into someone you went to school with. One of you will be happy about the reunion, the other; not so much. Take your chances. But, beware: the night before Thanksgiving haunt.
    Cheap beer, friendly bartenders. Charmed...I'm sure.
    Don't forget your ID.

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    It is what it is.  If you like this kind of place, you'll love the Ivy.  If you don't, you won't like it.  1000% better since the NJ smoking ban.  I would really give this place a 4, but I'm giving it a 5 to counteract the moron who rated the bar badly because he was dumb enough to drink and drive.  The very nice bartenders will gladly call you a cab, I'm sure.

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    Love this place.   If it wasn't for this place my time in Princeton would have been even more terrible.  I always had a good time here and always ended up pretty drunk...

    Also, a fun fact is that a contestant on the last Beauty and the Geek (Joshua) used to sing karaoke here with us every Wed night.

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    What other dive bar brings together the upper crustiest ivy league kids and the migrant workers who serve them! Surprisingly, its a great mix. The Ivy is a great little dive bar with friendly bartenders, random live music, and all the kids from high school you pretend you never wanted to see again. It's a classic.

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    a small, gritty dive bar...but a great one for that. The bartender was friendly and made the place fun to be at. Nothing special, except, it's a nice dive.

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    you knew you were screwed the minute you walked off the plane and found the desk where you had to call your airport shuttle. it was hot, muggy, and miserable. the airport shuttle people decided that they'd make you wait a freaking hour before they'd pick you up. sadness. another 2 hours to get to the hotel because they had to drop everyone and their mother's brother off before you. double sadness. getting to the hotel and realizing that you have a week long conference from hell... suicidal sadness. the only bright spot in an otherwise coma inducing week? the ivy inn. the bartender here was absolutely freaking amazing. i was lucky enough to have some cohorts from dallas scout out the meager bar scene in princeton before i arrived, and i received the lowdown that the ivy inn was the ONLY place to get a decent drink without having to hear yuppies talk about their ivy league educations. so about 15 of us headed over there on a monday night shake off some jet lag. 15 irish car bombs... .only $45. was this guy smoking crack? he poured so fast i thought he must have been the energizer bunny's first cousin. he managed to handle all of us drunks and still serve your car bomb with a smile. a friendly bar with a great atmosphere that was neither pretentious nor honky. if youre unfortunately stuck in princeton, go to the ivy to get drunk and tell justin i said hi :)

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