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    They have awesome pizza slices. Also ask about the grape bombs!

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    For the size of the town, the selection of places to go out in Jackson is extremely limited. Once in while, when I couldn't talk people into going to one of my frequent haunts, I would find myself with a group of people going to Jimmy D's.

    This place is... unique.

    Almost every time I have ever been, there has been karaoke, but as this is the south, and a little hole in the wall establishment, the only music that will be played is country. And with that said, I guess it isn't surprising that the clientele are all pretty country (which is par for the course at a lot of places in this area of Tennessee).

    The space is small for the number of people that you will find here on a weekend night, and the service, which is never speedy, is painfully slow when it is crowded. The beer selection is pretty much limited to American Golden Lagers and a couple of pretty common imports. And by Jackson standards, prices are a little high. The mixed drinks are strong but again, they are priced to be strong. There are hospitality nights (on Tuesday if I remember correctly) but even if you happen to work in food service, the drinks are still only average priced.

    The bar has always had a grungy feel to me and for all that is holy, do not venture into the bathroom, unless of course, you enjoy standing in puddles of unidentifiable bodily fluids. In my opinion, the bar is just a little run down and the money isn't being spent on upkeep or cleaning, but it doesn't seem to stop people from getting sloppy drunk here.

    This place fits in perfectly in Jackson, but unless you are looking for a good place to hang out with southern... charm... I would not recommend it. Regulars are cliquish and if you are going to go, I would suggest going with a group as to have someone to talk to/bail you out of trouble. The staff also tends to only be friendly with regulars and while never rude, have always seemed a little short with me when I order. I have even had an experience when I ordered and after the bartender took and filled someone else's order before coming back and having to ask me again what I wanted.

    The space is also very small for the crowd that they manage to attract, which means that trying to maneuver through the place gets extremely difficult as it fills up. Especially when a popular song is on and the path through the crowd turns into a makeshift dance floor.

    Personally, I think that there are plenty of better places in Jackson to go for the purposes of imbibing and that Jimmy D's shouldn't even be listed as a last resort. It is just not my scene.

    Protip: If you want good service at the bar, be sure to pack a young attractive girl with a low cut top and lots of cleavage. If you find yourself without this very important accessory, be prepared to stand waiting for drinks for the better part of your evening.

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