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    I've been here for a few years now and I hate to admit really liking this place. The vice president of our town council was arrested in back of this place for buying heroin in a sting operation, which didn't help it's reputation, but you wouldn't stop going to the grocery store if you heard that one of the cashiers did drugs.  It's the most beautiful dive bar I've been in since Dave's Tavern in Hell's Kitchen.  There are odd people, cool people, ethnically diverse people, pool sharks, a really enthusiastic and fast bartender, and cheap, cheap drinks.  Take a cab home, it costs nothing out here and you surely saved more than that on drinks.  I've met nurses, ESU cheerleaders, a radio DJ, electricians, and chronically wasted Neanderthals.  Everyone seems to have a good time.  it does get a little smoky, but with the door open in the summertime, there's a nice cross-breeze that works better than you'd suspect at clearing the air.  Very diverse group, excellent pool, people watching, and conversation.  Nice ,cheap pregamer if you're headed to the Sherman.

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    This place is an absolute dive bar dream come true--came here on a whim a few months ago looking for a good time with the locals. And that is exactly what I got. Beers are cheap as hell, you're free to smoke cigarettes to your heart's content, jello shots are $1, and there is a great shuffle board bowling machine. What's more, you can get a french tickler in the bathroom!

    This place saved the day on a recent camping trip when my group couldn't find a place to buy beer--Kay's has plenty of beer... by the case... that you can purchase and walk out with. Also: They open at 7:30AM. So much love for Kay's Tavern.

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    Cheapest cheap beers on tap, small, quiet.. the ideal dive bar. PBR flows like Niagara here. Low on cash, come here if you're in the area. Some of the locals are a little strange but this a good place to come and hang out for sure.

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