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    First time here, unbelievably.  And probably my last.  It's not horrible as airports go - for that, you want to hit Hartsfield in Atlanta, probably THE worst airport in the nation, ugh ugh ugh - but it wasn't stellar.

    It took forever to get from one place to another.  I had a Delta connecting flight from Baltimore and needed to go to San Juan - I ended up picking up a free Delta shuttle that was crammed full in 100+ degree heat, and we went around... and around... and around... and AROUND.  I was like, "uh, hi?  Are we going to circle New York all night long?"  Sheeeeesh.

    I get to my assigned gate and there are hardly ANY food options available - a Panda Express and a Peet's Coffee Bar.  That's it.  Those are my choices.  Bleh.  With less than 20 minutes to get to my gate and board, I had no time to explore anything else.  It's a good thing that Delta actually fed me a stale sandwich, or I'd have gone into a diabetic coma.  

    And as a person who doesn't like noise (actually, I HATE noise and loud sounds and the masses of humanity all in one place), this airport was sheer hell for me.  I have never seen - or heard - so many crying, screaming, upset, hysterical kids in one place in my life.  Thank God for the person who invented headphones.

    The staff were friendly, though, which counts for a lot.  And it's quite clean, considering that this is in New York, after all.  The airport in Atlanta is absolutely filthy, or it was the last time I was there.

    Unfortunately, it's a necessary evil.  If you want to go anywhere on an international level, you'll probably have to pass through here.  

    Could be worse.  You could be subjected to Hartsfield.

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    This is my preferred airport to fly in and out of. People think i'm crazy, but I like it. It is cheaper than Newark and less confusing. Yes, it's bigger and further, but I think they're better. JFK has upgraded and the terminals are looking better each time I go. I think things move a lot smooher than they used to.

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    This is a fancy, pretty airport with a Bobby Vans. So why am I updating to ONE rather than two stars? Because I hate this airport with such a passion. I've been flying LGA for 2.5 years and have only flown out of JFK which somehow bothers me less though I have no good reason for feeling this way.

    You land 25 minutes early, then taxi around for a long time.

    No one told me I was going to be working out after the flight but it was like 10 or 15 minutes from the far American gates to the street.

    Don't even THINK about driving in this airport. I would never do it as I am not a native but it's labyrinthine and always under construction. Even lifelong New Yorkers get lost.

    I had a great flight on a new Boeing. Very quiet TSA at LAX for the first time in my life and the new 737s are equipped with Wifi. American has been really great the last couple times I've flown.

    But the cab is obscene from this airport. Had I not had a sweet friend pick me up, it would have been 65 after tip to the Upper East Side.

    I hate this airport. But fare were so bad, I just couldn't get ticket to LGA (well, I'm coming back from LGA at least).

    This airport is FINE if you have money and want to shop or eat at Bobby Van's or have a driver or unlimited budget for cabs. Deep Blue (I think that's the Zagat-rated sushi and yes, it's phenomenal).

    But even driving with a friend in Brooklyn all her life--and she didn't get lost--it took f***** forever to get out of the airport.

    I am told if you live near JFK (i.e. not in Manhattan) it's a good thing. And there is an Air Train but I don't know much about it.

    With two suitcases every time I am in the city, mass transit not an option.


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