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    Friendly, helpful staff and owner, good beer selection for a bookstore, great vibe late at night that makes for an excellent event space. They get some really strange stuff in and I've made some good finds like "Christian Forgeries" and some stuff on urban planning. Worth coming into Bushwick for.

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    This is my favorite bookstore, hands down.  The used selection (almost the entire store) is super well curated across many areas.  And although the store is small, it has one of the best poetry sections I've found.  Plus coffee and lots of lit events... home run.

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    i bought a paul auster novel for six bucks and then sat at the bar and read the whole thing, getting progressively drunker on $2-3 beers. very laid back. great selection of literature, decent selection of cheap drinks. my only complaint is the lighting- during the day the big front windows let in a lot of beautiful light, but at night it's lit with drab overhead lamps that that cast the entire room in a flat yellowish light, which isn't good to read by or very attractive in general. if they'd keep the light off the walls but have pools of light on the books, bar, and tables, it'd be absolutely gorgeous. as it is that's just a minor complaint of an otherwise great experience of sitting around getting hammered while reading in public, which the library discourages heavily (the first part(the getting hammered))

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