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    Can't say enough about this place. One man show! The owner works his butt off to make great homemade food, while being the bartender, host, busser, and bouncer. And all the while, he is talking to his guests to make sure that everyone is having a good time.

    He will be the first to offer up his life stories, and seems to genuinely enjoy hearing yours. He will be happy to have a drink with you, and even buy a round. Before you know it, he'll be headed into the kitchen to get food for you just to let you try something you've never had. The fava beans ($6) are imported from Egypt and an absolute must try!

    Beware: he won't serve the super drunk! He will in cut off people who have had too much already. Even if it costs him a sale, or annoys regular customer, he will do what he thinks is right. Apparently, his business had has issues with this- among other things. He has a bar story about everything! He has seen it all. And he's not a racist (despite what another review implies). A misunderstanding, but there is more to his version of the story that has nothing to do with race. Somehow, we got on the topic and he explained what happened.

    Regardless, the food is awesome and he is even trying cutting prices on drinks and offering more specials (like shot & a beer for $5) to build more of a bar business. It's a great place to go in Bushwick.

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    Everyone who gave this place a good review must have arrived drunk. Very drunk.

    Maybe I ordered the wrong thing, or came on a terrible night for the owner, or was too swayed by the absolute, tumbleweeds-rolling-by emptiness of the place, but based on my dish and the stale beer, I can only imagine Gordon Ramsay invading and discovering enormous debts and a kitchen full of rotting food.

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  • 0

    Great place. Great owner. Great crowd.

    The perfect non pretentious neighborhood place to nurse a drink.

    I hear the foods amazing too but haven't tried yet.

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