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    Blink and you will miss it. This venue reminded me of the long gone downtown New York performance venues of years past. It seems that the "East Village" has moved to the outer reaches of Brooklyn.

    I saw an excellent series of unknown Tennessee Williams one acts here, one of which was "Green Eyes" directed by Travis Chamberlain with a stunning performance by Erin Markey. A treat to find such compelling theater in a hidden spot in Bushwick.

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    Underground bar/dance club. Very well hidden, so you must know the right people to get into this place. LOL. Showed up here on a Saturday night for a dance party. There was a metal door with, "Bushwick Starr" written on the front, you go up a flight of stairs, and once on the landing, it looks like an apartment floor or a place for studios. Its easy to find once you've climbed a flight of stairs. Very interesting venue. Small, but cozy. Feels like someone's living room. There was free champagne before 12. Too sweet, but I aint complaining about anything free. Music was ok, but didn't get me in the mood to dance. Left around 1PM when the party was starting up...god we're so lame.

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    This is as underground as it gets: a metal door with no sign, wooden steps up to the second floor, then knock on a door that just looks like an apartment door. I just love that!

    Behind the door you will find a small bar ($4 for beers), a small lounge area with red couches and a piano, and a stage space. There is also access to the roof, with an industrial view of Bushwick and the Empire State Building in the distance.

    This performance space for theater, art, and music right by Bushwick Park, "is a full-scale not-for-profit performance venue and Presenting Organization dedicated to bringing a continuum of art and artists to the Bushwick community".

    VH and I came here for the Rockers Galore dance party last Saturday, and we had a lot of fun. It made me curious about their theater productions too. Keep an eye on this place.

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