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    Delicious egg rolls!!  Great portions!  Good food!

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    I ordered Mongolian Beef, my Husband ordered Curry Chicken. The beef tasted like old lunch meat and the sauce tasted like it has so much chlorine in it, must be the water there. My Husband said he was extremely disappointed with his meal. I also ordered Crab Rangoons, they were fried way too long and tasted as if they only had 1 ingredient - cream cheese. We paid at least $30.00. We will never go back. Horrible food!

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    Absolute shock..........you served me bread and crackers before my meal.  Chi-nese yo......

    Florescent pink sauce with my egg roll?  Sweet sauce is bad enough and NOT Chinese and even worse when pink.  Disgusting!

    Egg drop soup is weirdly prepared: seems like gelatinous chicken stock with egg chunks.

    My wife is Chinese and I know what the real food of China tastes like.  This is so far off it hurts.

    The best part of the meal was the actual main dish.  Everything else was horrible.

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    We have driven past this place for years and never stopped. What a loss! We finally did and loved it! The servings were huge and delicious, the service was fast and friendly, and the price was more than reasonable. We'll be back often.

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    This will always be my favorite Chinese Restaurant. I've never found anything as good. Prices are great. The staff remember their regular customers. Authentic, good quality, and excellent service. I was so sad when I moved out of the state and couldn't return. Give it a try when in Elkhart!

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