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    Coming to Ct from san antonio tx first food stop Lee's garden its kind of a dump but i love the food . i used to live right up the road on goose lane and always loved chinese night. twice cooked pork and hot and sour soup love this place

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    Not terrible, but not somewhere I'd go back any time soon.  We ordered Shrimp Lo Mein, General Tso's chicken and Shrimp in Lobster sauce.

    I thought everything was just okay.  One of those meals you stop eating just because it isn't doing anything for you, regardless of whether you're full or not.

    The egg rolls were fine, the crab rangoon was 6/10 and the fried won tons were 5/10 for me.

    Clean place, friendly person at the counter and VERY fast, but all in all, not worthy of the third star.

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    The worst  ever.they used to be decent ,but have gone way down hill.I really don't know how they stay in business.I was visting a business next door,and they told me that there order was screwed up.They called lee's and told them.The person that answered the phone told them to bring the order back because they would reuse it.You got a 50-50 chance of them getting you order right. The place is dirty to boot.The last dish I got there and the last was mostly chopped celery in a gooey orange sauce.Just really bad.

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    dirty waiters who do not speak English. Soiled tablecloth, fried chicken trimmings.

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    This is the best Chinese food restaurant that I have ever been to!  I currently live in MA and when I visit my family in CT I always make a stop there!

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