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    The food has always been consistent at LFP. They crank out some very tasty dishes for pub grub. I'll never complain about their menu.

    Here are my issues with this place:

    #1 - OWNERS LACK APPRECIATION FOR CUSTOMERS - I have witnessed the owners mistreat Customers on numerous occasions. When I am spending my hard earned money in your establishment, I expect better treatment. YOU need ME - not the other way around. I can only be told to "suck and swallow" or "Get the F*&K out" so many times before you will lose my business.

    #2 - RIFF RAFF. It is sad that after 14 years, I have finally had enough of the undesirables that have flooded this bar over the last 4 years. No security and several assaults on the premises have left me feeling unsafe and unwilling to chance my safety. (We aren't talking fist fights - that I can deal with. We're talking stabbing, shootings and cinder-block beatings!!!)

    #3 - MISTREATMENT OF STAFF. I have seen great employees berated for not taking care of things that are clearly the responsibility of the OWNERS!!! I have seen preferential treatment to certain employees. I have seen firsthand how other employees who have shown their loyalty over the years are fired for lesser offenses.

    I just cannot support this business any more. Maybe when they wake up and come to their senses and let the son run this business like an actual business in the customer service industry, maybe then I will reconsider.

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