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    Damn this place is great! I loved getting glared at by the condescending bouncer as soon as I walked in the door only to be directed toward the stern and dull gentlemen that call themselves bartenders  . Is it that hard to say "hello" to a paying customer? Apparently it is at limericks. Things started to get better as soon as I received my warm Guinness that was not given time to properly settle when poured. This is an Irish pub right? Fantastic. In the midst of a unforgettable night I had the privilege of warming the bottom of my shoes in the fresh urine covering the bathroom floor.  Sadly the night ended too soon with a last call at 10:30pm. And my friends wanted to go to Blue Tusk??... what a joke. Apparently time flies when your having fun!

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    The bartenders and staff are very rude and don't approve of anyone under the age of 40 coming into the bar. The beer selection blows and they don't even have steel tip darts. The pool table is falling apart and the building looks like it may collapse at any time.  The place is musty, dirty, and the bathrooms are disgusting.  They have terrible live music every once in a while.

    Stay clear of this place. Hit up Blue Tusk next door.

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    Low key, great place to hang with friends.

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    I like Limerick. It's rarely crowded and drinks are reasonable. I like the low key vibe and how it's not too loud so you can actually have a conversation with the people you're doing happy hour with. The bartenders are friendly and responsive- never letting your drink get too low before offering you a top off. Personally I much prefer this place to the Tusk across the street where the crowd can be full of smarmy douche bags.

    Tip- On a slow night you can go out back and sit at one of the tables outside from the restaurant next door. They don't love when you do it, but you can. If the restaurant gets busy they might ask you to leave but I've done it plenty of times with no problem. Just make sure you pick up after yourself.

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    Decent bar.  It's usually pretty dead there, just the normal barflys. Which is nice because there are 2 pool tables for $1 and a dart board. Bigger than it looks, a lot of people cram in this place on the weekends. Drinks are pretty cheap and the bartenders are heavy handed. Not really a great selection for booze, but they carry the normal selection you'd expect to find.

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