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    This place felt like a perfect small town gathering spot. It was also a welcome relief after the land of oversized college beers in Lincoln: nice little 10oz draws!

    There's not much in the way of decor, it's basically a tile-floored lunch sport with a bar against the back side.    A couple of tables and all older people.    The entertainment was Judge Judy on TV.  (We were there around noon on a Thursday.)

    The bartender (we assume it was Lou) was a nice guy.

    Trivia fact:   In 2004 this bar was the endpoint for a bicycle ride that began in Norway.  A man named Paul Perry decided to cycle "From A to B". He began in the village of A, Norway, on May 7 and rode 5,600 miles arriving in Bee on August 28. (For the transatlantic portion he use a stationary bike on the QM2.) He rode a tandem bike so he could pick up hitchhikers for company, and his arrival in Bee was greeted by 50 other cyclists, 250 onlookers, 2 news crews, and an official welcoming committee

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