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    I've wanted to like Moe's, but every time I try it I come out disappointed. They say everything is fresh and what not, but to me the flavor and the freshness just isn't there. I do enjoy the free chips and salsa, but honestly I don't like any of their salsas. I've tried them all, the only semi decent one I thought was the jalapeno and lime salsa has a good kick and good flavor. Plus all of their salsas seem that they were out of a jar (which doesn't really seem fresh to me). One thing about this location though is the employees are extremely friendly and make sure they get your order right. Every time I've gone the manager or owner guy is working making sure it's all going smoothly and that is definitely a breath of fresh air. I prefer chipotle and qdoba over moe's any day. But this is all Marion has unfortunately.

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    Great custom made burritos. Chips are usually fresh and don't cost extra like a few similar chains. Emphasis here is on fresh, custom and fun (see if you know the movie reference in the menu)

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