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    11:30 a.m. and we're the only customers, yet we waited 36 minutes for two hot dogs. We had chips-n-salsa while we waited and were tortured by bad, LOUD canned music (Cher still beleeeeeeves in love....) The music was so loud we had to shout across the table to each other. Three times we asked Waitress to turn it down, which she did . . . 1 decibel at a time. . . with an eye-roll and a sigh. Twice I asked what could possibly be taking so long for two hot dogs, and Waitress just shrugged. At minute 37, we finally stood up to walk out and, voila, she trots out our food. At that point we had had enough, left the untouched hot dogs on the table and just asked for the check. Got charged $36 for two cokes and a basket of chips. And....Waitress made a smart remark to us on the way out. Yikes.

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    Awesome juicy burger on delicious buns....everything is fresh...got to try the chicken fried chicken, wow!
    I've had the guacamole burger and it was awesome, had the chicken fried chicken and going back to try the ribeye and drooling just thinking about it!
    Dont' go if you expect Smashburger interior...this place is rustic and has mucho character!

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    True - this NOT a "fast food" place by any stretch of the imagination (which is why I eat here!)

    I have had almost one of everything on the menu (including the kiddie menu on those days I want to save room for pie) and haven't ever been disappointed...

    Since I think "slowEST" is a bit harsh, my question would be "Slowest compared to what?"

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