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    Good small bar that is close to the house.  Good place to take a group of friends smaller than 10, the place is not that big.  They do not turn the music up so loud it blows the speakers or do anything annoying with lights.  It is just a bar with two small pool tables, a Golden Tee machine, and a jukebox.  Simple & effective.

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    This place isn't too bad. Our bartender was nice. It didn't get busy until about 10PM. Has some normal bar games. I liked the puzzle decor but I wouldn't make this my go to bar even though I only live about a mile from it.

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    Received an "F" from the Better Business Bureau???. Now I know why!.
    On a Saturday close to 4pm my husband and thought we would stop by a local pub to spend some our money to drink and play pool.   We were looking so forward to it since we worked hard. When went entered, NO one was attending the bar. Finally an obese, bad mannered Hispanic woman in a tight shirt entered from the back room. We said "hello" and she said "Ah.... ya" as if we were bothering her. We ordered drinks and she looked dumbfound and said she didn't know how to make them (we ordered a margarita not a cure for cancer) but she said she only knew how to open a bottle of beer. Okay.... Then we asked how much it was to play pool...."I don't know" she said in a whine...as if she didn't want us there. She was not only incredible rude but also ignorant. Again she just looked at the hard liquor bottles not knowing how to make something as simple as a Margarita. I think Puzzles is a bar, right???  I told her that I didn't drink beer. "Too bad" she replied insultingly and then she told my husband that most men don't order anything other than beer.  As if to call him gay. I don't think I can return to a place that employs bimbos that doesn't even know to make ice, insult us and wish clients didn't enter the bar.   I feel bad for the owners of Puzzles since they employed an idiot for their bar in a wealthy neighborhood. I suggest not going to this place unless you enjoy being insulted.

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