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Reviews & Tips

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    Great lil dive bar... Not the best but a place to stop for a cold one

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    I love this bar and most of it's patrons. I do however have a few complaints. Although the building is handicap accessible, it is not handicap friendly. If you are in a wheelchair the bathrooms are unusable and it is a pain in the but to get to the ramp into the building. There is also no handicap parking spaces so getting a wheelchair in and out of a vehicle may be problematic. Also, the bartenders are required to give the owner 5% of all tips left on a credit card, so the bartenders appreciate cash tips if you can, especially considering the processing fees to the owner from the credit companies is around 2%.

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    This place is a dive but sometimes a dive is just what you are looking for.  Very friendly staff and karaoke on Friday and Saturday nights.  I think there is live music on Thursdays too.  A nice place to stop and have a beer, watch the game and just hang out.  They also have pool tables,  a juke box, keno and a take out store attached.  The only thing I don't like is the bathrooms but what are you going to do.

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  • 0

    Prices are reasonable, one of the bartenders has a massive rack.  Patrons are friendly

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