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    This diner has been through a few owners over the last fifteen years. The new owners have done quite a bit to get it back to its former glory. First things first, this is a true old diner, complete with all the stainless steel, long bar and stools bolted to the floor. It's showing it's age, but you just don't see places like this too much anymore, so being able to walk inside of one is a great experience in and of itself.

    It's standard diner food. Burgers, fries, a few specialty sandwiches, and breakfast. Once in awhile they have a big special - like prime rib. I've only had the breakfast. It's something inside of me that equates diners with breakfast. It's a deep psychological flaw, and I can't really work it out. So I just order breakfast in every diner I go to. I'm afraid of what would happen if I decided to order a burger or fries. I'd probably black out and wake up in a padded cell.

    Anyway. The first time I went there under new ownership was a struggle. The last time I went I was appalled at a number of things that I ate or witnessed (like cats walking around in the kitchen and a gross amount of cat hair in my food). So I was a bit skeptical. But, I like to support the local businesses, even if it means risking food poisoning.

    When I walked in I could immediately feel a difference. There were lots of old farmers inside - which is a good sign, in my opinion. Those guys are picker than you think. The place looked clean and the food smelled good. The stainless was shiny and the booths were clean - it looked like the seat vinyl had been hit with armor all. And here's the kicker - the waitress was FRIENDLY and she had all of her teeth and looked like she  had showered that morning. That wasn't the case before...

    So we sat in a booth and I ordered coffee and breakfast. The coffee wasn't anything special, but the breakfast was honorable. It stood out in my mind as one of the better diner breakfast's I've had. My wife ordered a burger and fries and she said it tasted good and fresh.

    Here's a funny bit for you, and a piece of advice. Don't sit at the booths behind the counter seats. Sure, they're clean, but, the booths are low so when someone sits at the counter, you can smell their boots. What's the big deal? Some of the farmers are coming right off the farm. Guess what's on the boots?

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