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    Try to find the hours of this place. You can't. This guy opens whenever he feels like it, which is never when you want. Supposedly quaint, but really just irritating. Once you're in, don't expect him to give you the time of day if you don't look the part. Felt a lot like the good ol' boys club, and sorry to say I'm not a member. Perhaps traditional wine 'aficionados' will have a different experience. Sure there is a great wine selection, but you come here for the experience, you can get the wine anywhere. Don't know if I left with a good taste from the wine, or bad from Jack. (Why is it called NOAH's again?) He loves to schmooze you, but he comes across as transparent and disingenuous. He is also the sleazeball landlord for the building. Ask him about the restraining order his tenants had to file against him. Look through his wining and dining and it's clear what kind of person he is.

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    I'm not sure why it's called Noah's, since the owner's name is Jack...but this place rules!  

    It's a rather large space with lots of different couches and comfy chairs and seating areas for a comfy glass of wine with friends.  There's also a little wine bar (about 6 seats) that Jack sits behind pouring drinks.  He has a chalkboard with the day's menu...which was 5 red choices and 5 white choices.  He literally gave us a 30 minute rundown of every single glass with who the wine makers where, where they vacationed, how they picked their childrens' names...well, okay, maybe not that much detail, but nearly!  The wines aren't cheap (I think it was $12 - $28 for one glass!)...but boy were they delicious.  

    He said they also do a dinner there on the weekends, and get live jazz too..but apparently you're not allowed to talk during jazz or they take your picture and put it up as a bad person.  Ha!  I love this guy!  

    Will definitely come back on our next wine tasting trip!

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    McMinnville is a neat little town in the middle of Oregon wine country. This is a cozy little wine bar with a great selection of wine. Great place for conversation and relaxing with a glass of great OR Pinot. The owner was very helpful in his recommendations. Try this place, you'll like it.

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