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    My family frequent the Flying NY Pizza quite often, and it was our new go to spot after our church service. This past Saturday, April 9th, my son and his girlfriend went early to dinner and my husband and I went around 830 that same night...it wasn't till later that we compared notes. It was nearly a fingerprint service, with the exception of the alcohol. The waitress on both trips was bland and the food was cold. The longer my son was there, the more rude the waitress became. Same with us. Our waitress was bland until I received my 1/3 of a glass of wine. She avoided my table for 10 minutes (it wasn't busy) and so I approached the bar where I waited for her to rearrange the items in the ice cooler. I asked her about the scant amount of wine in the glass and she said that 1. It has to breathe 2. It's against CDC regulations to fill a wine glass to half full. Well, I'm an RN, unfortunately for her, I know its not the Center for disease control, but I didn't say anything because it wasn't my intent to insult her. I merely stated that for $4.50 I expected a little more than two decent sips. Her answer, "Well, I could put it in a  smaller glass so it looks like more". Now she insulted my intelligence. I was going to give it back, because with the way she handled me, but I knew I'd pay for it whether I drank it or not. Our appetizer arrived, Calamari, it was cold. By this time, we were waving her down to get her attention, she was more rude than before. She took it and gave us a hot appetizer 10 minutes later. 10 more minutes later, we get our pizza. After this experience the pizza wasn't that great. Must say their carry out pizza is much better! Maybe that is from driving home, smelling it all the way, who knows. For some reason, we have had 3 very poor service experiences there and we always gave the benefit if the doubt, but this time, we are done. We may never go back and being in public service myself, I can't blame me for feeling this way. We tip very well for a job well done and it sucks for them not to make that extra 25% off of us. We know they struggle...its sometimes the biggest chore in the world caring for the public, but it can also be the most rewarding. At this point, it would have to take a personal apology from the owners themselves to get me back in there. Isn't that awful? We will be heading back to our old stomping grounds...Sergio's

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