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    Small towns sometimes get it all right.

    Case in point: Old Boston Pizza in Owensville, OH.

    This restaurant is very close to my office that has been surrounded by mainly fast food joints that get very old, very quickly, for years. When places that are NOT fast-food have popped up over the years- they are sometimes lacking. So, I was wary when we gave this place a shot. After my first visit, that wariness was gone and I've made several return trips.

    They have great (more than affordable) lunch specials. They're service is friendly and quick (relatively, I mean, they are baking a pizza from start to finish). The food is delicious and has a unique (in a good way) taste to it. The only thing I would like to see here is a buffet. The salads are wonderful but I don't always get one because it's not part of my lunch meal deal, but I would love a buffet option where I could have a bit of both. I'm sure there is a reason they haven't gone that direction, but I hope one day they will reconsider. Though they are speedy, this would also entice those of us who try to fit probably too much into our small lunch hour. But for now, I'll keep coming back as is!

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