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    I have to admit, I'm a big fan of Dairy Queen.  Have been for a very long time.  However, I am very aware of the fact that it's a fast-food joint, which can be a bit of a let-down in regards to quality of food.  Then I realize, fast-food is usually cheap food, so I'm okay for the quality I'm paying for.

    Looking at the menu you can't go wrong with the Flamethrower Grill Burger, Footlong (with chili and cheese of course), the Mushroom Swiss Grill Burger, and the Bacon Cheese Grill Burger.  I'd avoid the salad and all of the chicken dishes, as well as the lone shrimp dish. All of the cold treats (Blizzard, cones, sundaes) are great and will be enjoyed by all...except the lactose intolerant of course.

    Couple of things about this specific location that I enjoy.  It is spotlessly clean.  Hands-down one of the cleanest fast-food places I've ever been to.  And that includes both the inside and the outside tables as well.  And then there's the water.  It can get a bit hot in the 'Nati during the summer, so there's always a cooler full of ice cold water that's free of charge.  Can really cool you off.

    Great place to get a quick and cheap bite to eat.  And it's a place the kids will love.

    Mahalo, and enjoy.

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