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    Cheap Beer and great Games makes this place a must in Meadville. Just don't drop the F-Bomb or it will cost you a buck.

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    The Penny Bar is hands down one the greatest and strangest dive bars you will ever have the pleasure of sipping a beer at. I'm a lover of dive bars and have been in hundreds all over the country and this is right up there among the elite.

    Cheap beer, heavy cigarette smoke, incredible pickled eggs (if you go here and don't eat a pickled egg, you've committed a crime), an eccentric yet friendly owner who will throw you out for dropping an F-bomb or if he sees you acting disrespectful towards a female.

    And of course, the pennies. You just have to see it.

    Grab a Yuengling, play some ping pong, and enjoy the best that an old, strange city like Meadville has to offer.

    UPDATE: The Penny Bar is closed.

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    The greatest dive bar in the world is the Penny Bar.

    Enjoy playing Connect Four or some free pool or ping pong.  

    Fact: There was a penny shortage in Meadville when all the lacquering was going on.

    Do not wear anything that you don't mind smelling like smoke.

    I recommend the Long Island Ice Teas -- cheap!

    Watch for the homeless lady and her shopping cart.

    Do not drop the F-Bomb or you will get tossed.

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    This is the epitome of the words "Dive Bar." Locals call this place the "Penny Bar" which I will explain later.

    So what should you expect?

    Crazy regulars with no teeth chain smoking cigs--check!

    85 cent draft beers --Check! (High Life, Bud Heavy, and Yuengling are your choices)

    $1.50 mixed drinks--Check!

    Owner/Only Bartender Jimmy who is friendly as hell--Check! (just don't swear within his earshot or you will be kicked out on the curb freezing your ass off in the two foot pile of lake effect snow)

    Pickled Eggs--Check! How can you not love these things. Get three for a dollar then eat them with salt, pepper, and some rooster hot sauce.

    Free Ping Pong and Pool -- Check!

    Sculptures and wall murals made of pennies -- Check! This is what makes this place really shine. Sure its kinda tacky to see the Lincoln Memorial at 1/100 scale made from pennies along a bunch of other art created from the copper coins, but it really is impressive.

    Jukebox which hasn't been updated since 1980--Check!

    Tons of board games to play with your friends--Check!

    I've drank in a lot of dive bars in my day, all over this country, and this certainly is one of the best.

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