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    Went to this place for about 2-4 times a week for about 4 months straight and I loved it. The staff is awesome and I also made good friends with the bartender Dawndee(sp?). It does occassionally get crowded on the weekends, but I still love it and miss it very much!

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    Supporting a local pub is definitely the way to go. By far the best bar in Sierra Vista!

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    The price is right... Wonderful barmaid... Good place to start before dinner next door at the German Cafe!

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    This is one of the best bars in Sierra vista.

    Great people, great atmosphere. Only thing that sucks is that they only have two bartenders working on weekends when it is jam packed with soldiers!!! It really blows when you have to wait 15 min for a a drink.

    As for the place it self it's a pretty small layout. Hence it's called a "pub" but other than long waits for drinks on the weekends it's a pretty decent place to drink in this town

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    I totally dig this place.  It's a great bar that isn't seedy but also doesn't get any TRADOC students.  The beer there is incredibly cheap (you can also do a take-home 6 pack for 5.55!) and it's a very chill atmosphere.  My favorite place to grab a beer in Sierra Vista and not feel overwhelmed with people.

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    Not too shabby, a few pool tables, nice staff, but if you don't want to be around the drunkest of the drunk don't linger here too long on a fri or sat... moderately priced...a knock around bar...

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